Dr Samuel Johnson's house in a side street off of of Fleet street. The statue is of his cat is outside the house.
Todays walk, I will delete them after... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Todays walk, I will delete them after a few hours as pretty boring and there are three lots !x

The house views look like a few of the houses near the streets by my home. Is it a townhouse or stand alone?😀👍🌈
As I love history, buildings, commemorative statues, I would be in my element. I've visited and stayed in London many times but theres never enough time to see everything. Thanks for the pics. They are really interesting.
It's my pleasure, thank you for liking them I'm worried I am boring people.xx
I am one happy little bunny. Keep on walking, and clicking while getting some exercise.
Don’t delete post please, this is fascinating. Wonder what age the cat lived to.....and what sort of diet it had, no good ol’ Whiskas in those days what? Can’t remember what his owner did, was it poetry? Or essays yawn....anyway prithee no deleting...

I really like history Bazzak, your pictures are very interesting. It's like a sight seeing tour. I now know the cat was called Hodge and the history behind the cat. So, when you post your pictures, we can gain some knowledge from them. 😊
I'm pleased you like them, I do worry that I am boring people with silly jokes and walking photos,. ⚘xx

Thank you for all these pictures, reminded me of happy times many years ago. I spent a lot of time in London over several years and almost moved there twice. Xx
I need to get bettwer at deleting photographs - I have not taken many photographs for a while - but my computer tells me I have 100Gb of photographs!
Perhaps I should save some of them to my 4TB archive disc!