A fabulous bike ride - first set of p... - Positive Wellbein...

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A fabulous bike ride - first set of photos (there are two sets)

29 Replies

Hi all

It was a bit cloudy this morning with the threat of light rain or drizzle so I decided to still go out for a ride and it was pretty much dry all the time I was out. I had the pleasure again of stroking one of the ponies I saw which I thoroughly enjoyed.

I cycled 35.958 miles and enjoyed every minute of it.

When I got home I had lunch, planted some seeds in my new planters that my hubby made and then made some parsnip and carrot soup with coconut.

I hope you've all had a good day.

Stay safe and well.

Alicia :)

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29 Replies

Some more beautiful photos Alicia. The ponies are gorgeous. Imagine being able to stroke one. How lovely! As for coming home and cooking and planting..... I can only wonder at your boundless energy!

in reply to

Thank you Sue, it was so lovely stroking the pony, such beautiful creatures.

I love to keep going, who knows what's around the corner, I'm making the most of it.

Alicia 🐎🌻🚴‍♀️🌈😊🙏

bobbybobb profile image

Lovely photographs, I love rolling grey cloud. That was some bike ride today. Hope you will get a bumper crop in a couple of months time, What did you end up planting. 😊🌼

in reply to bobbybobb

Thank you Bobby, it was a very good ride. Yes blue sky looks lovely but there's something about the grey cloud that can be mystifying. I planted potatoes and French beans today. Hubby still has two planters to make bless him 🙏😊🌈🚴‍♀️🌻🌱

Hi Jerry

It really was a very good ride, it's so lovely to cycle on a track away from cars and through woodland. I love the feeling of being fit, there's nothing like it.

I will thank you.

Alicia 😊🌈🚴‍♀️🌻🐎

Zest profile image

Hi Alicia,

Lovely photos and really great cycling mileage.

The Parsnip and carrot soup with coconut sounds really tasty. Lovely that your hubby made that for you. :-)

Zest :-) xx

in reply to Zest

Hi Zest

Thank you, it really was a very good ride and the ponies made it even better.

The soup is really yummy. Hubby has got 2 more boxes to make.

Alicia xx🌈🙏😊🚴‍♀️🐎


Beautiful photos, you are fantastic. It's lovely you got to stroke one of the donkeys. What a bike ride that was, the energy you have is unbelievable!!! It's good that your husband can make these planters.

I think I've told you about my hubby, he made two beautiful units in our front room, we had been to housing units, we saw some lovely units , Dave said I can make those, for half the price, slightly different and bigger!! I will post a picture of one of them.

Lots of love Lynne xxxx ❤️💜

in reply to

Hi Lynne

Thank you, it was so lovely stroking the pony, it walked over to me and was very tame. I just love it. Yes he's very handy and good at making things.

Yes you did and isn't it great to have hubbies so clever and resourceful. It really is so much cheaper making your own stuff.

Looking forward to the photos.

Alicia xxxx💜🌈🌻🙏

in reply to

Thank you, Alicia. It certainly is and they enjoy doing it too

Love and hugs Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗 🌈💜

in reply to

They really do and I'm glad my hubby enjoys it as he has no friends where we live (his friends live about 2 1/2 hours away by car) whereas I have quite a few so it keeps him occupied at times.

Alicia xxxx :)

in reply to

I'm glad he has a hobby, I love books and you can lose yourself in a book. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗🌈💜

in reply to

So am I and he also loves books.

Alicia xxxx🌈💜😊

in reply to

That's good. Do you like reading?


Night night sweet dreams xxxx 😘♥️

in reply to

I'm not really a reader but live reading magazines and true stories. If I do read a book it has to be non fiction.

Night night Lynne xxxx💜🌈💜

in reply to

It wouldn't do for us all to like the same things!!!

Night night Alicia xxxx💜♥️

in reply to

It certainly wouldn't, makes life more interesting xxxx💜🌈

RoadRunner44 profile image

Wow, wow and wow again ! Xx

in reply to RoadRunner44

Thank you, I loved it🙏🌈😊

Sheila_G profile image

Lovely pics as usual. Horses and ponies are such majestic animals. x

in reply to Sheila_G

They really are Sheila, I love them xx :)

footgo profile image

Good morning crazyfitness

Now this is just too beautiful, thank you, you have made my day.

I was born in Lyndhurst, so this type of image is very familiar to me. I miss it all so very much. Strolling through the New Forest watching the ponies, wonderful.

Thank you!!

in reply to footgo

I'm glad it made your day, it is a beautiful area and I'm fortunate that I am able to cycle to such a lovely area.

I can well imagine how much you miss it and it must have been wonderful strolling through the New Forest.

Alicia :)

Snowdrops_17 profile image

Looks great Alicia, peaceful!🥰

in reply to Snowdrops_17

Thank you, it really was lovely.

Alicia :) xx

springcross profile image

Thanks for the photos cf, looks like the white horse is soon to have a happy event!! Lovely. xx

in reply to springcross

You are welcome and yes it certainly looks like it, there were a few foals around.

Alicia :) xx

Williemom profile image


I can’t imagine myself riding one mile much less 35...... you go girl!

in reply to Williemom

Thank you, appreciated. I love it and will carry on as long as I can.


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