Bit down today: Even though I’m working... - Positive Wellbein...

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Bit down today

Gillyflower18 profile image
31 Replies

Even though I’m working I am stressed out and tired with the things that are going on. Here in the states it’s all bad news of one kind or another continually. Covid riots protests vandalism you name it. It’s really hard for me to keep on an even keel. I’ve had depression and anxiety for many years and it’s a continual battle even with meds and a therapist to handle all the negativity. This forum is one the few bright spots in my life right now. Sorry for venting but I know a lot of you will understand. My sweet little cat is sitting the arm of my chair giving me periodic kitty kiss. She knows when I’m down.

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Gillyflower18 profile image
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31 Replies
Gillyflower18 profile image

She’s my id picture. Her name is Angelita but I call her Angie. Send some of your rain over here. It’s bone dry where I live. Seems like rain always goes around my city. I try like you not to watch to much news but it’s amazing how much bad stuff they can stuff into our 30 minute local newscasts.

Gillyflower18 profile image

I’m in Michigan. It’s usually dry here in July but it’s also been very hot too. Bad combination for my garden and my water bills! Still I picked a bunch of radishes and 4 cucumbers this morning.

mattymoo33 profile image

Oh lordy. I can't imagine how bad you're feeling and I'm so sorry for you.

All I can say is use all the resources, friends, family you have. We all need a massive hug at the moment. Even those of us who are living with their family, who don't understand. And I don't want to put my worries on them 😒

We'll be ok, keep on keeping on 😊 xxx

Gillyflower18 profile image
Gillyflower18 in reply to mattymoo33

Thank you mattymoo. You’re right we do all need a big hug right now. Work is my salvation right now. It keeps me going because I have too. My family is very small and half of us don’t talk to the other half. Basically it’s just my sister and me and she must isolate because of her husband who has multiple conditions. We talk on the phone a lot and get together only rarely. It’s been a long time between hugs! I’m sending you an air hug for your kind reply.

mattymoo33 profile image
mattymoo33 in reply to Gillyflower18

Thank you honey. Look after yourself 🤗🤗🤗big hugs. Night night 😴 xxx

Sorry you're feeling down Spinner1916, but we're all entitled to that. We're here to listen and I'm glad we sometimes manage to cheer you up. And what could be nicer than your kitty snuggling up and showing that she knows you aren't feeling your best at the moment.😊🙏

daveh121 profile image

I am also in the states and know exactly how you feel. Our furry, or feathery friends do help.

ellj profile image

So glad that our little community has helped you in a small way.

Isn't it amazing how our furry friends pick up on how we feel.

I hope you continue to feel a little easier.

We cannot take away your troubles but we do care.

Best wishes


ddmagee1 profile image

Tell me about it! I feel the same way! It’s really hard, with so much negativity! I feel like the nation is a rudderless ship, with inadequate, incompetent leadership, and that the virus is totally out of control, and chaos reigns, with the protests and riots! Lawlessness prevails in some cities, with police looking the other way, when crimes occur! There are actually videos, showing that, in NYC, and elsewhere. It’s become unsafe in many places! Many elderly, especially in nursing homes, have died from COVID-19, and many have been abused, mistreated, and not properly care! There have been multiple nightmare scenarios, where patients have been neglected, and ignored, and tragically, just left to die! I doubt that the virus is going to go away, anytime soon.! Also, the divisiveness that has taken over the USA, coupled with racism, anger, and instability, is eroding safety, and freedoms, to the point where citizen’s welfare is at stake! I don’t see that, improving anytime soon, so, of course, this makes people very anxious, and is depressing!

Dangermom13 profile image
Dangermom13 in reply to ddmagee1

I hope things change here in the states with the November election. A different administration will listen to scientific and expert recommendations as well as intelligence briefings. The money that supposedly going to small businesses won't be going to huge corporations and the president's family. Eventually, there will be a vaccine. However, after this, I will continue to wear a mask and not go to large venues. That's fine. I'll be happy to be able to hang with friends and hug them. I only watch at most 30 minutes of news a day. And it's not Fox. As the mouthpiece of the president, it's complicit in the greater spread of COVID19 here. I am studying more about nutrition for my kidneys and exercise daily. Once it was nice enough outside, I get out for a walk and work in my small garden.

glo42 profile image

So sorry that you are feeling down. I also have down days with so many horrible things happening across the globe. Today is a sunny day and it is a good tonic and helps to pick us all up. Enjoy your furry friend, I'm sending you an air hug and hope you have a better day X

Gillyflower18 profile image
Gillyflower18 in reply to glo42

Thank you for your reply. It’s early morning here and very quiet. My kitty is sitting in the window above my head and listening to the mourning doves call. It’s supposed to be nice today and I have to run some errands (broke my glasses and need to drop them off to be repaired) so I’ll get out a bit. I’m thankful for all the people that have responded. It helps me feel not so alone in all this.


Sheila_G profile image

I try not to watch the news now. It is so hard to discern the truth from all the different news channels. It must be so much worse in US. At least you have your cat. Nothing nicer. X

Gillyflower18 profile image
Gillyflower18 in reply to Sheila_G

It is worse here I think you’re right. Our media is out to make money so the more sensational they can make it the better. They don’t care that they are making it worse

Agatesup profile image
Agatesup in reply to Gillyflower18

Amen! Too many sensational consciousness young news reporters. Why are there no reporters 40 to 70 years old? Report the news on television and radio, do not make the news!

Feel the love from this site, we are always here for you. 😘😻

Gillyflower18 profile image
Gillyflower18 in reply to

Oh thank you happyme I do feel it. Everyone is wonderful here. As you can see I’ve just woken up and I always check the site first thing because of the time difference.

in reply to Gillyflower18


glo42 profile image

We are all in this together. Very strange times but hopefully this won't last forever.

Take care and be kind to yourself and I hope today is a better one for you.

Keep safe X

Alex9621 profile image

I understand your anxiety as I am in one the three hot spots in the USA. I am anxious about schools reopening. It seems that every time you think something will get better it just noise dives in the other direction. I am trying to be positive in the good that I do see while on the other hand trying to be vigilant in what I can do to have some sort of control where I can. I am trying to find ways to help give back where I can though it may not be much. More than anything I try to keep in the moment and not think to far off in the future because I catch myself getting into fear. I really caught myself doing that the other day but when I went to bed that night I realized how lucky I was for the things that have literally been given to me.

Gillyflower18 profile image
Gillyflower18 in reply to Alex9621

Yes I tend to fall into overthinking too as well as negative thought patterns. I cannot understand why people aren’t taking this seriously and making it worse for everyone else. Wearing a mask is such a little thing to do! I tend to retreat to my garden when I need sanity. Pulling weeds doesn’t require mind work but you have to pay attention to what you are pulling 😂. Talking with my customers who are fellow gardeners is good too. I think you are right about being grateful. I’ve kind of let that slide. I used to keep a gratitude journal maybe I should again!

mariootsi profile image

It's a terribly anxious time! I'm really finding it difficult right now.

Gillyflower18 profile image
Gillyflower18 in reply to mariootsi

Hang in there! There’s always people here understand. It’s been a lifeline for me. People listen to your rants with a sympathetic ear.

strongmouse profile image

It is hard this strange world we currently live in and it isn't suprising that you feel down.

It will pass eventually but in the meantime, keep doing what you are doing. Enjoy your cat and each day keep putting one foot in front of the other. Find small things to be grateful for and when the sunshines - even if through a window - let it warm your face and remind you that there is much love and kindness in the world. Take care xx

Gillyflower18 profile image
Gillyflower18 in reply to strongmouse

Thank you strongmouse for your lovely reply. So many people have gone out of their way to encourage me that I feel blessed to be a part of this group.

Yes I agree! It’s like living in another world. Nothing seems real anymore. I feel the more time I spend at home the better. Work and then home as fast I can .. home to my little dog .. normal and safe. I feel we live in an unpredictable dangerous world! My anxiety is sky high when I leave home for an errand. It can be draining.

I feel these day’s, the demands of a working is enough to be contending with. Anything else should be pleasurable and working towards our wellbeing.

Take Care

Gillyflower18 profile image

So true. I’m usually so tired after work I come straight home to my cat and my garden. Sanity!

RLN-overcomer profile image

We are are all stressed, but people who have battled depression prior to this Covid-19 pandemic, are facing even more added stress, and pressure. I know it is easier said than done, but try to stay strong. Try to use visualization of happy precious moments in your life,. Watch funny T.V., YouTube, or Facebook video's. My faith in GOD keeps me strong. I have a family member who is battling depression for almost 14 years now. I am trying to encourage him. His room mate is also battling depression. I am praying for them both. He does like watching funny videos', so I send him the information on the funny programs he can watch, that I sometimes watch myself. I hope/pray you can find joy, even during this challenging time.

Gillyflower18 profile image
Gillyflower18 in reply to RLN-overcomer

Thank you for your kind reply. It is hard for people like me right now as you say. Sometimes I get really dumpy and down especially when I have trouble sleeping. I’m grateful I can at least go to work. I often watch funny cat videos on YouTube. They make we laugh. There’s a lot of cool funny stuff there that can help. I also watch a lot of gardening shows. It’s been very hot here which hasn’t helped but it’s raining today! Yay! First real rain in about 3 weeks. Sometimes when I’m feeling down I just need to let it out and everyone here has been so helpful.

RLN-overcomer profile image

Last night/this morning I had to take 1 Benadryl, and 1 Melatonin capsule to get to sleep. I got 8 hours sleep. I am growing mini sweet peppers on my window sill. I will try to grow mini sweet tomatoes next.

catch_the_music profile image

Glad you have your kitty. Pets are so important right now. These are crazy times!

During these crazy times - I like to communicate my feelings to God through prayer. I know He listens and that brings me comfort. I like Psalm 34 - it says "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed." I believe God is calling all of us nearer to Him right now.

In addition, I like to listen to KLOVE and hear messages from people like Max Lucado. That brings me comfort also! Prayers for Grace and Peace to come your way! God Bless!

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