Will we ever change?: A friend sent... - Positive Wellbein...

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Will we ever change?

Patsy10 profile image
60 Replies

A friend sent this to me a few days ago.

As we grow older, we slowly realise that wearing a £300 or a £30 watch,

they both tell the same time.

Whether we carry a £300 or a £3.00 wallet, the money inside is the same.

Whether we drink a bottle of £300 champagne or a £6.00 bottle of wine,

the hangover is the same.

Whether the house we have is 300 or 3,000 sq.ft. loneliness is the same.

Whether you drive a £1,000 banger or an £80,000 Merc. they both serve

the same purpose.

You will realise, your happiness does not come from the material

things of this world. It comes from spending our short time here living and

laughing with the ones we love.

Stay humble, we shall all end up in the same sized hole in the ground!

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Patsy10 profile image
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60 Replies
Mia898 profile image

I will be honest come from top end life and money growing up has not been happy but I want my children to grow up happy but not snobby and enjoy the small things.

Roukaya profile image

I have only just realised this today

It would seem that I have an Aunt who only befriends you if you fall into these three categories:

One if you are very wealthy

Two if you are a Doctor or preferable a Specialist

Thirdly if you are a Minister

I was not invited to her together as I do not fall within these categories

On the day I was leaving for UK she wanted to give me a free book on the Islamic Pilgrimage, I knew this was a free book

I told her why bother about me

She became very angry with me and her son got married on the day of my Birthday but I was not sad at not being invited

I have learnt what really matters is how we treat each other with humanity , kindness and mercy with charitable giving

The core value of Islam

If my Aunt is so concerned with excess material wealth , one day she will realise all that glitters is not always gold

I was feeling quite dejected today but I have learnt I have a strong sense of sense and excessive material wealth does not define me

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits in reply toRoukaya

Yes her problems are hers not yours

Rabs550 profile image
Rabs550 in reply toRoukaya

Hey hope ur good but it's the same story here few of my aunts are rich big houses fat cars money designer gear you name it they have it and we'll I'm just a middle class!!! I've realised few years back that they are selfish big headed love competitions within the family my house is biger my cars better and so on its been 5 years I hardly speak to them trust me you better of without these people and be happy xx

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply toRabs550


I hope you are well

My so called Aunt is not wealthy

It is her son who has married into a family of Doctors and because of this she has no time for those who are less

But even though I am fifty at this stage I am trying to find my feet in life

How are you managing in Lock Down

Rabs550 profile image
Rabs550 in reply toRoukaya

Quite bad to be honest stuck at home how about you? So ur Muslim? Was you going mecca? Because ur aunt was giving you the book?

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply toRabs550

I hope you are well

I had gone overseas for the son’s engagement and I noticed she had ignored both me and Mother and did not introduce us to the guests

Following this, she had a tea party and I was not invited

She knew I had the intention of performing a Pilgrimage in Mecca and the day I was leaving she offered to bring me a free book

I told her not to bother

She exploded in anger and I left without speaking to her

I have now discovered that Islam is a religion of peace ,mercy and compassion

Her son a failed Doctor is very charming and has married into a very wealthy family of Doctors

In her mind she is living her dream and I have been rejected and excluded as I do not fit in

This really does not impact on me so much as I know what I would like to do

I have sufffred from low confidence and low self esteem for many years and I am the daughter of two narcissistic parents who have always put themselves first

As a result of this I have become lacking in confidence with depressive traits

But I am aware of this I will take steps to work on myself

Thank you for your reply

How are you managing in Lock Down

Rabs550 profile image
Rabs550 in reply toRoukaya

It's hard when you feel lonely I understand trust me I have family like this they always used to put me down as a teen I was very chubby and used to get bulied from my own aunties never used to eat in front of them but as we get older we learn to be strong and this is wat you need to try to leave ur past behind and move on make a fresh start sod these people you don't need them!!! Do u have kids?

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply toRabs550

Good morning

I hope you are safe and well

I am an only child who is fifty years old

I am not married and I have no children

I suppose I can see where I have been and where I would like to go

Are you married and do you have children

I have an elderly Mother who lives away from me

She can be quite demanding though she is quite independent

The Lock Down does not help

But it gives us the chance to see what matters the most and to have appreciation for what we do have

How are you managing in Lock Down?

Rabs550 profile image
Rabs550 in reply toRoukaya

Where do you live

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply toRabs550

In live in the Midlands

Where do you live ?

Rabs550 profile image
Rabs550 in reply toRoukaya

Your from Birmingham

Rabs550 profile image
Rabs550 in reply toRoukaya

Lockdown doesn't help true yeah I'm a single parent it's hard work especially with health issues but my kids keep me going and there old enough to he honest I was going to say if you have kids make them ur family ur!!!! My eldest daughter is not only my daughter but my son also my best friend at times she can be my mother 😂 😂 telling me what to the kids keep me going otherwise by now I wouldnt be here which city you from

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply toRabs550

I live in the East Midlands

Could I ask where are you based ?

Rabs550 profile image
Rabs550 in reply toRoukaya

Of course you can

Rabs550 profile image
Rabs550 in reply toRoukaya

Look if you don't mind can I say something??

Rabs550 profile image
Rabs550 in reply toRoukaya

Im from Birmingham

Rabs550 profile image
Rabs550 in reply toRabs550

Hey I was going to say if you would like to exchange numbers xx

Patsy10 profile image
Patsy10 in reply toRabs550

I think that perhaps you and Roukaya should be exchanging personal messages.

Rabs550 profile image
Rabs550 in reply toPatsy10

I was thinking maybe she needs a friend xx so how are you? To be honest I love making friends and sometimes being alone is the hardest thing to go through I rather have my friends then my family! How are you feeling?

Stub007 profile image
Stub007 in reply toRoukaya

You are certainly on the right path I predict that you will succeed. For me, it is a full time, life long effort, a way of life.

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply toStub007

Very kind of you to have such faith in me

I hope you are well

Stub007 profile image
Stub007 in reply toRoukaya

I am; thanks. Blessings.

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits

So true apart feom one thing i don't get hungover with champagne but do with wine. Otherwise material things tend to be the things that give us grief

Patsy10 profile image
Patsy10 in reply toCraftyperson

Absolutely true about the Champagne especially as I have 'matured'.

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits in reply toPatsy10

Yes but prosecco!!!! Now that does give me a headache

Patsy10 profile image
Patsy10 in reply toCraftyperson

Who drinks it!!!!!!!!!!!

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits in reply toPatsy10

Not out of choice but some people prefer it mainly cos it's cheaper I'd rather have the real thing

Stub007 profile image
Stub007 in reply toPatsy10

I gave it up voluntarily years, but with stage 3 PBC drinking is inadvisable. The nearest I get to a high is my mug of real, hot black breakfast coffee. I am content; it helps with my chronic headaches: and never a hangover.

Sunfloweronline profile image
Sunfloweronline in reply toStub007

Hi Stub I like a drink, but now I’m happy with becks blue shandy- refreshing and al free Have a try in the sunny days sat outside and listening to your fav music 🎶 take care and wishing you all the very best

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits in reply toSunfloweronline

I love a pint of lager shandy on a hot day, so refreshing

Stub007 profile image
Stub007 in reply toSunfloweronline

Aye, and my best to you, Sunfloweronline.

S11m profile image
S11m in reply toCraftyperson

I think my late wife thought that she was allergic to cheap Champagne!

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits in reply toS11m

Haha she was a smart lady and sorry you lost her

sandydame profile image
sandydame in reply toCraftyperson

Wish I'd thought of that when with my husbsnd. With fine Champagne I am just allergy free! But wallett suffers hangovers 😖

Patsy10 profile image
Patsy10 in reply toS11m

I know that I most definitely am as I am absolutely sure that your late wife did.

Ladies know these things!

Patsy10 profile image

You are who you want to be and that is what is important Roukaya.

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply toPatsy10

Very true

To define who you are. To bring about s sense of fulfilment for yourself and others

MADMUMOFSIX profile image

Fabulous way to think of things...The Serenity Prayer (though not practicing religious myself) is like a mantra in my mind on an ever challenging positive thinking mission! Do not waste time energy or emotions stressing about things u can do absolutely nothing to change - acceptance of new limitations knowing resenting Fibro would mean forever resenting what is now very much in the fibre of my being - loving that part of me would really be pushing it! 😜 Be kind to yourself and listen to your own body. Do what you can-when you can

Some wise words Patsy10. I'm one of those people who was never impressed by displays of wealth and never hankered after material goods or a 'superior' lifestyle. And even less so now I'm older. I get more joy out of finding a bargain at a charity shop than anyone ever got from a pair of Laboutin shoes. I just don't 'get' it! At the end of our lives it'll be people we draw our last comfort from, not a designer handbag. So why not value them more now? 🙏

Patsy10 profile image
Patsy10 in reply to

I posted it because I think most people can understand it and hopefully when things change and change they must we will give more thought to what is important to us.

I can not say that I have lived by it but I'm getting much better as I get older. When one daughter got married I did indulge in a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes and you know what, they were sooooo comfy. However, before we departed the hotel I had given them to my other daughter who wore the same size. Recently she got rid of them but they were sixteen years old. Classic style that lasted well.

Activity2004 profile image

This is a great poem/saying to always keep in mind. Thank you for sharing it with everyone. :-)

Jessie8ruff profile image

So so true!!

bobbybobb profile image

Empathy, love and compassion, if we show these to each other, here lies the true wealth. xx

Marty0001 profile image

That is so true and a great way of putting things into perspective.This world is so materialistic and people can judge people materialistically for what they have or don’t have.

My dad always said something similar to what you said,thank you.

Want2BHappy3 profile image

I live in the USA all the same apply Here. Wonderfully Said 🙏😷

coat2003 profile image

so true Patsy10. I am not age wise in your category, but my late husband was older then me, and I mean older, not a couple of months and we had fantastic 18 years of marital bliss.and he always used to say, nobody will take anything material on the other side, or whichever way you word it...

Agoodenough profile image

I think this is a great post. People who chase money never have enough.

MydogBrandy profile image

So true

kablea profile image

I don't want to be rich, neither do I hanker for possessions but.. I tried poverty in the 1950's and it was not enjoyable. The good life needs some comfort.

Midori profile image
MidoriVisually impaired


Nilsam profile image

This made me smile...how true. X

S11m profile image

Happiness is being content with what we have.

Will I be content in a council flat?

Patsy10 profile image
Patsy10 in reply toS11m

Only you know the answer to that.

Borth195 profile image

I totally agree and I think during this lockdown you realise just how little you do need to b happy just to get out in the fresh air is what I want when all this is over I used be more materialistic now I’m really not botherd if I ever go shopping again I just want a quality of life after lockdown x

Sunfloweronline profile image

I’m new here and I love when people say where they live 😊

I’m from England, Alkrington Manchester and I’m so glad to be with you all 😊💕🌈

Poppy_the_cat profile image

Superb. Totally agree!

Sunfloweronline profile image
Sunfloweronline in reply toPoppy_the_cat

Where do you hail from Poppy?

Sending hugs and smiles x

Willowrabbit profile image

😢😢😢 how sad, but true 🤚😷😷

Sunfloweronline profile image

Sooooooo true , but as the saying goes

We live and learn 😊💕🌈

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