Good morning everyone,
The wind is really blustery this morning, shaking the boughs and leaves of the two trees right outside my apartment window.
It’s early in the season, so the leaves cling tenaciously to the branches, weathering the storm.Just as we are all doing at the moment! When a strong wind of change blows through our lives we do try to cling on to what we know and love and want to protect.
Of course there are many things we want and need to protect and keep, but sometimes it’s better to let some things go. The winds of change can be welcome, pushing us to a better world.
What will we choose to let go when the storm of the coronavirus crisis has passed? Here’s an old Chinese proverb I’ve chosen as my quotation for today.
“When the winds of change blow, some people build walls, and others build windmills”
Every time I see footage of animals reclaiming parts of the world once the domain of the human species only, I know what change I’d love to see. It's time to learn to better share the spaces we occupy on planet earth.
I hope everyone has a really good day today. 🙏