A short ride today: Hi all Hope your... - Positive Wellbein...

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A short ride today

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Hi all

Hope your day has been good, it's been really hot here today. I can't walk at present as I've injured my foot, my own fault, I shouldn't have jogged on Sunday. I injured it 3 years ago jogging so I should have learnt my lesson.

I visited a friend today which was lovely, we kept our social distance but it was still lovely.

I took some photos on the way back home.

Have a lovely day tomorrow.

Alicia 😊🌈

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30 Replies
bobbybobb profile image

I am so glad you could get out for a cycle ride and the weather has been glorious today. I bet your friend was glad of the visit. Beautiful pictures. xx

in reply to bobbybobb

Thank you Bobby. It was really lovely to see my friend and her two gorgeous girls particularly as she's been unable to go out much her eldest daughter who's 16 has severe JIA (Juvenile idiopathic Arthritis) and is being shielded. My friend's hubby, who I already knew through work, was a great support when my granddaughter was being tested for JIA.

It's great that their garden is big enough for us to meet safely. We will definitely meet again.

The weather was very hot and sunny.

Alicia πŸ˜ŠπŸŒˆπŸŒžβ˜€οΈ

That sounds like a lovely day Alicia and I'm glad you managed a ride. Idyllic weather to be out and about and so nice to catch up with a friend. πŸŒˆβ˜€οΈ

in reply to

Thank you Hidden , it was beautiful day and so good to catch up. It's proof you can still see people as long as you're sensible.πŸ˜ŠπŸŒˆβ˜€οΈ

katieoxo60 profile image

Beautiful pictures , nice to see the countryside. I am waiting for knee replacement so understand your difficulties in walking. Thank you for sharing x

in reply to katieoxo60

Hi Katie

Thank you, I do live the countryside and am listening to the birds with the window open, it's lovely.

I hope you get your knee sorted soon, not good being in pain.

Stay safe and well.

Alicia xπŸ˜Šβ˜€οΈπŸŒžπŸŒˆ

Take it steady on that foot Alicia we need you fit to supply us with more of these great photographs ❀️

in reply to

I certainly will, it's elevated at present. I've not been out today apart from the garden as I can't really walk on it very far.

Illbe back out walking again soon once the physio kicks in.πŸ˜ŠπŸŒˆπŸŒžβ˜€οΈ

in reply to

Take care 😘

in reply to

And you xx

Agoodenough profile image

Oh dear. Be careful. Give it time to heal!! x

in reply to Agoodenough

Thank you Ali and I will, it's an old injury so I know physio will work. xxπŸ˜ŠπŸŒˆπŸŒžβ˜€οΈ

mattymoo33 profile image

Lovely. Hope your foot isn't too sore today? Take it easy!😊xxx

in reply to mattymoo33

Thank you Matty. A bit of physio and I'll be as right as rain.

Alicia πŸ˜ŠπŸŒˆπŸŒžβ˜€οΈ

cherv profile image

Akways such lovely photo's! So glad you got to visit with your friend and kept your social distance. Feel fast although take your time so you do not re-injure your foot.

in reply to cherv

Thank you. It was fabulous meeting my friend and was easy to keep a distance out in the garden, the weather was beautiful.

I will not re-injure my foot as I'm not going to jog any more, that's the only way for it to heal properly. Now all o need to do is take heed of my warning.πŸ˜‰πŸŒˆβ˜€οΈ

Bingo88 profile image

Beautiful Pictures you take Alicia. Hope your foot improves soon. I used to have heel problem often from being a driver. Rocking on my heel between Accelerator and Brake pedals . Not no more thankfully Have a lovely day again. Take care Brian

in reply to Bingo88

Thank you Brian. I can imagine the pain you must have had as it's a repetitive movement. Glad you don't have that anymore.

Take care and stay safe.


Lenny123 profile image

Have had arch pain, after daily walks, ice pack seems to help.

in reply to Lenny123

Thank you Lenny, it's graduated to my knee now as well, it's an old injury but physio will work.πŸ˜ŠπŸŒˆβ˜€οΈ

Thank you Karen. We certainly are fortunate to live in the countryside and how lovely you also have fields with horses where you are.😊🌈

I know, I'm resting the foot at present but I have been out in the garden today. It's an old injury from jogging believe it or not and is now up the leg to the knee as well so it's physio for me again, it does work.

I've learnt my lesson this time, no jogging ever again.

Ooh lovely, enjoy your cycling. It was really lovely meeting up albeit no hugs but it's just good to be able to natter.πŸ˜ŠπŸŒˆβ˜€οΈπŸŒž


I'm so sorry you are injured, hope the physio works soon. So pleased you could meet up with your friend. I can't wait to meet up with family and friends again but I've got to shield until 30th June!! Just wish people would listen. Street opposite us again, they'd been clapping for the NHS and then started hugging and kissing each other, Grrrr. Xxxx

in reply to

Thank you, my own fault as I jogged quite fast for me on Sunday and that's what's done it.

My friend's eldest daughter is shielding as she has JIA (Juvenile idiopathic Arthritis) but we kept apart which was so easy to do in their garden.

Oh my goodness, how hypocritical is that, clap for the NHS and then hug. I would have been very annoyed as well as they are inviting a second wave of infection. xxx

in reply to

Yes, precisely!!!😠


in reply to

🌈 xxx

daveh121 profile image

Beautiful again! Nice being out on the bike.

Our weather has cleared and is due to get warm so riding will be good again this Saturday.

I think we are done with the rain till this fall. I will be able to get a lot of riding in and am looking forward to it.

in reply to daveh121

It really is, can't beat it.

I'm so glad your weather has cleared and you will be able to get out on Saturday on your bike. I really hope you are done with the rain and then you will definitely be able to get lots of riding in.

RLN-overcomer profile image

Oh Noooooo I hope/pray you will have a speedy recovery. The pictures you post are always beautiful. When I got older I stopped running on grass, and hills. I am grateful to have my stepper, and my treadmill during this Carona virus pandemic time period. I send you virtual hugs from, now at least 10 feet away. XoXoXo

in reply to RLN-overcomer

Thank you and so do I. Although still painful today I think I may be turning a corner as I've been doing some physio on it. Thank you and I do love taking them. Yes I don't blame you for stopping as you so easily go over on your feet and steppers are very good as are treadmills.

Virtual hugs to you as well.

Take care and stay safe xxx

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