A cycle ride today: I went on a bike... - Positive Wellbein...

Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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A cycle ride today

β€’120 Replies

I went on a bike ride today into my City Centre to get some more spelt flour, just ensuring I don't run out. I cycled 23.5 miles in the beautiful sunshine.

Hope you've all had a good day.

Stay safe and well all.


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120 Replies
Ghounds profile image
GhoundsReading Rabbits

As always wow. Pleased you have your flour, I can remember you posting the alternatives weren't good for you. Lovely photos again.

β€’ in reply toGhounds

Thank you. I'm glad I got more flour but will leave it now for a couple of weeks as I've got some extra bags now, also the suppliers have increased the price by Β£1 a bah, that's quite a hike in the price.

Thank you, it's been a glorious day.πŸ˜ŠπŸŒˆπŸš΄β€β™€οΈ

Ghounds profile image
GhoundsReading Rabbitsβ€’ in reply to

I've found some prices have increased too. Β£1 a bag is a bit steep!

β€’ in reply toGhounds

It really is and there's no need, the food industry has been making a killing.

Lurcher-lady profile image
Lurcher-ladyβ€’ in reply to

It’s actually illegal to increase the price because of covid. They should be reported for that. My local fruit and veg shop did the same, I’ll stick to frozen until it drops again.

β€’ in reply toLurcher-lady

I didn't realise that so thank you for letting me know, I appreciate it.

I don't blame you, I'd do exactly the same.

Things are a lot better now aren't they food wise?

It was dreadful back in March having to fight for food when there was no need!

β€’ in reply to

They are better than they were, still problems with some baking goods though. I will leave the flour for now as I have extra in my cupboard and the suppliers increased the price by Β£1 a bag which is ridiculous.

The panic buying in March was unprecedented.

β€’ in reply to

One afternoon I had donated to the local foodbank in sainsburys and it was 2pm and I was disgusted when I saw the empty shelves in there!

β€’ in reply to

Yes my local Tesco have a box for the food bank which I put stuff in. The worst are the baking shelves and sometimes dairy (I buy milk and butter for my hubby).

β€’ in reply to

I have found eggs had been a problem but that's a lot better now.

One of my friends had ended up getting caught out at the pharmacy after she had got her period and all the pain relievers were out and so were the pads and tampons so she had to have used a dishcloth until she could get some supplies and had said to me how she had cried as well in sheer frustration same as I had and so had my other friends due to having felt helpless as there wasn't a thing we could have done about it!

We bake a cake once every now and again which is something to do and a new interest for us.

β€’ in reply to

There were only 2 boxes of organic eggs last week.

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, people did the same with baby nappies. I know women that use the cup and get on with it really well and good for the environment. Just a thought.

I've always baked but mainly for hubby some things for me but not much, bread every week though, spelt sourdough.

β€’ in reply to

They had bought up all the calpol as well which is a staple when you have young children in residence!

It was the same with the formula milks as well as the disposable nappies all out!

Another of our friends who has just had a baby was glad that she was breastfeeding when that was going on and was using the old fashioned terry nappies where you put them in the washing machine and they last for ages and are better for the environment.

We had said about seeing about a mooncup and how they save money over time as well as being better for the environment.

β€’ in reply to

Yes they bought everything without a thought for anyone else.

I used Terry nappies and that's all we should be able to get, disposables are shocking for the environment.

Yes the Mooncup is very good, I've not heard any negativity about it. I use washable panty liners and they are good.

daveh121 profile image
daveh121β€’ in reply to

At least there is always some starter on the window sill waiting to make bread.

β€’ in reply todaveh121

Oh most definitely, I've always got a starter and I have quite a few bags of flour now - result :)

Agoodenough profile image

Glad you got your flour! In our pub which has now turned into a shop a lady picked up GF flour and the man said unless you’re GF can you put it back for someone who is and she did πŸ‘ I thought of you and was pleased he said it 😊

β€’ in reply toAgoodenough

That was really good Ali, well done to the man saying that. If people hadn't of panic bought everything in the beginning, including specialist ingredients then there would have been plenty for all.

The suppliers that the shop got the flour from has hike the price by Β£1 a bag, think I'll let Dove's Farm know as I don't think they'd be happy about that.

Loobylou72 profile image
Loobylou72β€’ in reply to

My daughter is GF and I am finding it impossible to get flour. Agree that it's the baked goods that appear to be the issue. We're all in training for GBBO I think. Hidden do you have a tried and tested spelt flour recipe. My husband came back with it yesterday. As you said you liked it figured it was worth an ask rather than trial and error with websites :-)

β€’ in reply toLoobylou72

I feel for your daughter. My friend is a Coeliac and fortunately she seems to be doing fine for flour, have you thought about Holland and Barrett? I'm hoping you are in the UK. I've seen plenty of it in our local health food shop which is called Rickard Lanes so maybe you could look in a local health food shop if you have one. I totally agree, there seem to be a lot of bakers out there now, I think they've stock piled and it annoys me when they buy specialist flour when those like your daughter have no option but to use the special flours.

The recipe I use is from the Dove's Farm website (they've also been selling a GF hamper on there so you may be able to get something for your daughter). The link is:


That's the one I'm making at present although I've made a white starter and not a wholemeal one as I couldn't get wholemeal spelt anywhere for quite a few weeks but I have some now. Here's the wholemeal recipe:


I've had very good success with the Dove's Farm recipes.

Best of luck.

Alicia :)

Agoodenough profile image
Agoodenoughβ€’ in reply to

No I bet they wouldnt be pleased and that's quite a price hike. I think you should.

β€’ in reply toAgoodenough

Thank you Ali, it's ridiculous isn't it.

Ghounds profile image
GhoundsReading Rabbitsβ€’ in reply toAgoodenough

About time somebody stood up for the allergic community who have no other options! Good for him.

β€’ in reply toGhounds

I totally agree, he's to be admired.

MadBunny profile image
MadBunnyβ€’ in reply toAgoodenough

Good for him!It makes me so cross when people behave like this!

bobbybobb profile image

Once again, beautiful pictures for us all to look at. Glad you enjoyed your ride. xx

β€’ in reply tobobbybobb

Thank you Bobby, it's been a beautiful day again, long may it continue.

Hope your day has been okay.

Take care and stay safe.

Alicia xxπŸ˜ŠπŸŒˆπŸš΄β€β™€οΈ

bobbybobb profile image
bobbybobbAmbassadorβ€’ in reply to

It has been cloudy but the breeze was warm when I was out with the dogs. xx

β€’ in reply tobobbybobb

I'm glad it was warm for you and you got out with the dogs, a woman's best friend bless them xx😊🌈

β€’ in reply to

We take baby the cat out on a lead for walkies!

β€’ in reply to

Aww and why not😊🐈

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_Gβ€’ in reply to

Love cats. Love the name. x

β€’ in reply toSheila_G

Baby is a very spoilt ginger tabby!

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_Gβ€’ in reply to

So he/she should be. 😊x

mattymoo33 profile image

Very jealous of you today. Got up at 6.30am to do my (slightly less scenic) cycle to find a flat tyre!! I don't like to go out much later as it's busy with joggers and dog walkers. Better luck tomorrow πŸ€”xx

β€’ in reply tomattymoo33

Oh no, not good, that's my fear when I go out sometimes as some of the roads are so bad it's inevitable that bike tyres get punctures.

I'm finding the roads are a lot busier now, people seem to go out now because they can, I don't blame them but I expect some of them just want to drive.

Hope tomorrow is better for you xxπŸ˜ŠπŸŒˆπŸš΄β€β™€οΈ

mattymoo33 profile image
mattymoo33β€’ in reply to

Thanks honey 🌞🌈

β€’ in reply tomattymoo33

Have a good one πŸ˜ŠπŸŒˆπŸš΄β€β™€οΈ

Glorious weather wasn't it crazyfitness. I don't blame you for making sure you don't run out of your spelt flour. Unlike many of us you are pretty stuck without it, but it was a lovely day for a bike ride in any case. Lovely pics too! πŸ‘β˜€οΈπŸŒΊ

β€’ in reply to

Thank you Hidden , I'm going to leave it for a couple if weeks now as I seem to be able to get it most weeks.

It was beautiful and kept my legs going as it was windy here.πŸ˜‰πŸš΄β€β™€οΈπŸŒˆ

I certainly am now, I'll leave it for a couple if weeks now as it seems I'm able to get some somewhere most weeks.

The boring stuff was done first ie housework and then the ride. I'm not going to stop, I love it.πŸ˜ŠπŸš΄β€β™€οΈπŸŒˆ

Hope your evening is going well Jerry.😊🌈

Oh no,that's not good.

You sound similar to be, try more exercise and it'll get better πŸ˜‰. Honestly though I hope the pain eases soon.

I'm glad you've got the mileometer for your bike now and hope you're back on it very soon.

In the meantime I hope the pain eases very soon.

Take care


Klove22 profile image

I'm so happy for you. I live where there is dirt, dirt and more dirt. No place to ride a bike, walk my dog. I bought a slim exercise bike that I have to figure out how to assemble. Not going to gym. They aren't open in county yet anyway. I'd rather use bike inside my home and b able to take shower/bath than @ gym. Used to walk in park in front of πŸš” station. They found woman on bench deceased 4 three day's. Sorry to rain on your parade. I really am genuinely happy 4 you.

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_Gβ€’ in reply toKlove22

That's awful. What a very tragic story and not very nice for you either. X

β€’ in reply toKlove22

Thank you but I feel so for you that there is nowhere for you to go. I'm glad you have an exercise bike and hope that you figure out how to assemble it, maybe in front of the TV so you can watch say a programme on the country and you can look at the countryside whilst cycling. As far as I'm aware you can also purchase programmes where it can replicate you cycling along a route.

How awful and for the poor person that found the women. You are not raining on my parade at all, I truly feel for you.

Take care xx

Klove22 profile image
Klove22β€’ in reply to

New to group. Now I can see comments made to me. Have no idea how I figured that out.

Klove22 profile image
Klove22β€’ in reply to

Thank you. I'm planning to attempt task on weekend.

β€’ in reply toKlove22

Best of luck.😊🌈🀞

Sheila_G profile image

Wow. You are very fit. Lovely photos. It is great to see the beautiful countryside again. I can't wait to be able to go myself one day. x

β€’ in reply toSheila_G

Thank you Sheila, it was a lovely ride again. I'll be relying on my bike a bit more for a few days as an old injury on my foot has resurfaced, serves me right for jogging on Sunday at quite a pace for me. It's definitely going to be power walking and cycling from now on.

When you're able to get to the countryside enjoy.

Take care

Alicia xx

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_Gβ€’ in reply to

I will. Thanks x

β€’ in reply toSheila_G

Have a lovely evening x

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_Gβ€’ in reply to

Thank you. The same to you x

β€’ in reply toSheila_G


Lovely scenery and well done to you!!

I can't go out until the end of June !! I use pedals in the house as an exercise bike would be too big, got something for my arms and for my back as well!! Take care and stay safe. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx β€οΈπŸ€—

β€’ in reply to

Thank you Lynne.

Sounds like you're like our granddaughter and have had a letter to self isolate for the 12 weeks. That's an excellent ideal to have the pedals, they are really good aren't they and they don't take up much space either. Sounds like you have all round exercises so that's very good.

Take care, stay safe and keep well.

Alicia xxx :)

β€’ in reply to

Thank you. I got 3 letters mid April to stay put for 12 weeks and then I got the text last week to stay in until 30th June!! Take care and stay safe, and the same to your granddaughter too. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx β€οΈπŸ€—

β€’ in reply to

Oh my goodness, that's quite a few letters. My daughter hasn't had a text yet.

Thank you and my granddaughter is doing really well. xxx :)

β€’ in reply to

I'm glad she's doing really well. Maybe she could phone her Dr to ask whether she's getting another letter or text, if he doesn't know he could perhaps point her in the right direction.

Would you like me to PM you? Xxxx

β€’ in reply to

She really is, she's such a sassy little girl bless her. Thank you for that and my daughter is in touch with her nurse so not a problem at all. Thank you so much for your offer of a PM.

Please stay safe and well.

Alicia xxx :)

β€’ in reply to

Thank you and you are very welcome xxxx ❀️

β€’ in reply to

Bless you xxx

β€’ in reply to

How are you and yours feeling at the moment? πŸ€—πŸ’œ

β€’ in reply to

I can't exercise at present as an old injury has appeared and my foot is swollen and it's hard to walk. Serves me right though as I went jogging on Sunday and thats how I injured it 3 years ago. A bit of physio and I'll be all good.

Enough of me, how are you Lynne? xxxπŸ˜ŠπŸŒˆπŸ™

Knightrider_28 profile image

Wow...brilliant stuff.keep it up πŸ’―πŸš΄β€β™€οΈ

β€’ in reply toKnightrider_28

Thank you, appreciated. :)

jeffmayer profile image

Well done that's a good ride keep it up

β€’ in reply tojeffmayer

Thank you Jeff :)

Stub007 profile image

I do love it that you do these wonderful bike rides, and with such beautiful vistas.Glad, also, that you are continuing your baking with the spelt flourβ€”I can almost smell wonderful aroma here in the States at 4:15 AM! Good going!

β€’ in reply toStub007

Thank you and I do love the countryside, so glad I've never moved away and can't believe last year I had itchy feet to move. The only other places that I really do enjoy are Derbyshire and the Lake District both in England.

Yes I do love my spelt bread, especially if there's any peanut butter involved. ;)

Ianc2 profile image

I am looking at electric bikes. The prices have dropped quite a bit lately and might take the pressure off aching hips a bit.

β€’ in reply toIanc2

That's a very good idea, I've seen a few around. They are ideal for going uphill and on the flat as you can merrily poodle along. I didn't realise the prices have dropped, that must be to do with the current situation so now's your time to buy I'd say. Sorry you have aching hips though.

Take care and stay safe.

Alicia :)

Some beautiful pictures Alicia, a wonderful place to live.

George πŸ€“πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ¦½πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ¦ΌπŸŒˆπŸ€ͺ

β€’ in reply to

Thank you George, yes I'm very fortunate and have really appreciated it even more since the pandemic, makes me realise that you have to make the most of life and enjoy.

Alicia :)

You are welcome.

I'm so sorry it's affected you like it has. Personally it sounds to me like you need to contact your GP and see if you can be referred for physio. Failing that, have you looked online and researched your pain? I did this for my shoulder, followed the exercises recommended and it worked really well.

Take care and hope you are out of pain soon.

Alicia xx

Klove22 profile image
Klove22β€’ in reply to

I'm new to group. Can't figure out what others may say to me. Anyways had a blessing yesterday. Mail order pharmacy wanted $195 for prescription. I need. Drug was tier 4. Dr tried to get reduced to tier 2. Only expected tier 3. So happy and greatful as I don't have $195. Now cost for prescription is zero $'s. Blessing in disguise.

Klove22 profile image
Klove22β€’ in reply toKlove22

Correction: Dr tried to get medication reduced to tier 3. Appealing reduced medication to tier 2. Unexpected blessing.

β€’ in reply toKlove22

I'm so pleased for you.

Here in England we are so fortunate to have the NHS which is an amazing service, can't fault it.

MadBunny profile image

Wow!Sadly I cant cycle any more as my knees are too bad and I'd be scared of falling off.I have got an exercise bike:not the same and boring but I can use it in the garden and listen to some music .

Good that you can get the flour.Its still hard to get in our supermarkets . I try to keep one spare bag in stock if hubby sees any when hes shopping.

Beautiful photos:thank you for sharing them with usπŸ‘

β€’ in reply toMadBunny

I'm sorry you can't cycle anymore but what an excellent idea though to use it in the garden, that would make it far more interesting as you can listen to the birds as well.

I cannot get the spelt in the supermarkets but can get it in our local health food shop, it's not a chain store and in our local farm shop, I've not seen it in my local Tesco store since just before lockdown so it's been a long time. Always good to keep a spare in stock, I have spare spelt now so I'm not going to run out.

Thank you, I love taking the photos and it's also a record for me of my ride/walk.

Stay safe and well.

Alicia :)

MadBunny profile image
MadBunnyβ€’ in reply to

Not only can I hear the birds but Im constantly pestered for food by the sparrows.They are quite fearless.Im not comaining though :its great to have them.We've had several pairs nesting in our terrace.Stay safe and well yourself.

β€’ in reply toMadBunny

Oh I love it when the birds are like that, we've had lots in the garden picking up the bread but then the pigeons appear and I get rid of them by clapping my hand. How lovely to have them nesting. :)

MadBunny profile image
MadBunnyβ€’ in reply to

We've had nests for as long as I can remember.Its odd-although we have fatballs and seed the sparrows still seem to prefer the bread!I just wish they were confident enough to take food from my hand.Unfortunately we get pigeons too. The robins and blackbirds pick up any bits of fatball that fall on the ground.

We also get a lot of goldfinches on the front garden feeders.

Enjoying all these birds helps to make shielding more bearable.

β€’ in reply toMadBunny

That's so lovely as they haven't nested in our garden yet. We have fatballs as well but they prefer the bread. Wouldn't it be lovely if they were that tame but they don't seem to be. I do not like pigeons, they have to eat I know but they scare the little birds away. The robins and blackbirds do tend to pick everything off the ground.

We also get Goldfinches and also some Greenfinches.

I totally agree, birds are so relaxing to watch and listen to.

MadBunny profile image
MadBunnyβ€’ in reply to

I havent seen any greenfinches for a very long time. We get a couple of chaffinches and plenty of blue tits and great tits. And one coal tit.I know what you mean about the pigeons. Thankfully we dont get many.

β€’ in reply toMadBunny

We used to get loads of them but more Goldfinches.

We don't get many from the Tit family but lots of Blackbirds and Sparrows.

You are welcome and I'm so pleased you rang your Ostopath. Well that sounds painful so I can fully understand you can't do much at the moment. Sounds to me like you'll be doing some physio on that.

You sound a bit like me and feel like you should be doing exercises all the time and even though we enjoy them we must have some time to relax, think I need to listen to myself as well LOL. I can understand why you shouldn't be doing them.

Take care and look after yourself.

Alicia xx

craftynan2five profile image

good on you for that,do you know i am 64 years old and ive never learned to ride a bike lol. The scenery around you looks beautiful. Where are you from?

β€’ in reply tocraftynan2five

Thank you. I'm 61 now and have ridden a bike since I was a child although I stopped when my children were small and took it up again when I went back to work in 1995. I'm from the South Hams in Devon. What about you?

craftynan2five profile image
craftynan2fiveβ€’ in reply to

Oh I absolutely adore Devon we have had a fair amount of holidays down there.I come from a place called Barnsley in South yorkshire have lived here all my life.

β€’ in reply tocraftynan2five

It is beautiful but love the North. Yes I've heard of Barnsley. I have a cousin in Gisburn near Skipton. My grandparents were fron Kendal and dad from Durham so I'm half northern and proud of it.

Reading4everyone profile image

Fabulous photos. From Marlbee

β€’ in reply toReading4everyone

Thank you Marlbee, it was lovely. :)

Sara_2611 profile image

wow. glad you managed to get the flour you needed Lovely photos too

β€’ in reply toSara_2611

Thank you Sara, I do like to take photos along the way.😊🌈

Sara_2611 profile image
Sara_2611β€’ in reply to

youre welcome. I have to be deceptive when I want to go for a bike ride & can only cycle down the road & back because of my ILD & even thats too taxing.

Im on medication for ILD so my immune system is low (side effects) & my mum has an annoying habit of waiting til the weather is warm then phoning me to make sure Im in around the lunchtime hours in other words to make sure I havent left the house- checking up on me but when the weather is bad I dont hear a thing (because she knows I wont leave the house)

β€’ in reply toSara_2611

I'm really sorry Sara, it's hard when you can't do what you enjoy.

Oh how annoying for your mum to do that, parents can be difficult. My mother in law is a real pain and that's an understatement.

Sara_2611 profile image
Sara_2611β€’ in reply to

before my ILD when the weather was warm I used to be out on my bike for about 2 hours

β€’ in reply toSara_2611

I really feel for you either ILD (I've just looked it up on the internet) and can see why you struggle. You can make your own mind up though and don't need your mother interfering.

Sara_2611 profile image
Sara_2611β€’ in reply to

Oh yes I know that -when the rule about no unneccessary journeys allowed were in place -I'd gone down the road & back on my bike & its a really good job I'd had loads of time to put it away in the same place -I then had a long conversation with my neighbour -I turned round & there was mum checking up on me (she claimed it was to see if I was ok because she tried to phone me & I wasnt there) - of course it was to check to make sure i hadnt gone out.

I had to remind her that it was an unnecessary journey & therefore was flouting the rules & effectively I could call the police & if she didnt go home I was going to call them

The weather's poor today in Manchester & ive not heard a thing from her at lunchtime (but thats because she knows I wont be going for a bike ride) Had it been warm like the other day Id have been going

β€’ in reply toSara_2611

Oh my goodness, your mum really is on your back when the weather is nice, I really feel for you as you can't relax at all. It's up to you where and when you go out and I'm pretty sure you are old enough to make your own mind up.

It was an unnecessary journey, there was no need whatsoever to come checking up on you.

Yes I've heard the more North you go in the UK the weather isn't so good. No doubt when the sun comes back for you, which I hope it does soon, you will be getting phone calls from your mum, how frustrating.

It's sunny here in Devon but very windy and not warm.

Take care and stay safe.

Alicia :)

Sara_2611 profile image
Sara_2611β€’ in reply to

Oh Im definitely old enough to make my own decisions -Im over 18 . I know its up to me -Now the rules have changed Its perfectly allowed for her to come should it happen again - as you are allowed to see 1 parent per person & outside only.

β€’ in reply toSara_2611

You certainly are old enough. I've seen one of my my daughters at a distance but it was hard.

O hope she doesn't keep bugging you.

Take care x

Sara_2611 profile image
Sara_2611β€’ in reply to

she better not put it that way

β€’ in reply toSara_2611

I hope she doesn't. I really feel for you, you can't be yourself, she needs to leave you alone.

Sara_2611 profile image
Sara_2611β€’ in reply to

Yes she does . If its hot Im defo going for a bike ride -it ll only be down the road & back because thats how much my lungs can take -mind you I struggle with that too -I ll be going masked up to the hilter of course

β€’ in reply toSara_2611

Well done to you, I admire your courage with your illness.πŸ‘πŸŒˆπŸŒž

Sara_2611 profile image
Sara_2611β€’ in reply to

I went at lunchtime .The only reason mum didnt ring me was because when she dropped the papers off this morning was because she told me she emailed me for a zoom meeting at 4pm -

Before this bloody illness I used to go for at least 2 hours . One time I went to visit a mate who lives a few doors down from my ex & even though I kept my head down & was wearing my sunglasses -he looked up & frowned -I thought he d recognised me THANK GOD HE DIDNT !!!! otherwise I'd ve been in trouble

β€’ in reply toSara_2611

She shouldn't be trying to control you, if I tried that with my adult daughters they'd soon tell me what to do and rightly so. My mother in law, whom I really don't like, she's 90 now, used to try and control her son when we first got married. What is it with these women!

I'm so sorry for your illness and really feel for you as I know how I'd feel if I was restricted. Well done for getting on your bike, that's brilliant.

I'm so glad your ex didn't realise it was you - phew.

Stay safe and take care.

Alicia πŸŒˆπŸ™

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits

Lovely pics as usual and a good distance. Bread making on the horizon?

β€’ in reply toCraftyperson

Thank you. Yes they'll be more bread making this week.😊🌈

We are very similar.πŸ˜‰

I'm the same I feel I have to keep very fit but know I should relax as well.

Isabel64 profile image

Woww you must be really fit! I do about 22 miles a day on my cycle. Do you do any hills??

β€’ in reply toIsabel64

Thank you, yes there are lots of hills, that's Devon for you πŸ˜‚.

Also, well done to you, that's brilliant, aren't bikes brilliant.πŸ˜ŠπŸŒˆπŸš΄β€β™€οΈ

Isabel64 profile image
Isabel64β€’ in reply to

I see, so you ride in Devon! What an amazing place to ride your bike! I ride through Richmond park or somewhere nearby, not many hills though! Bikes are a wonderful way to exercise and keep fit! I’m working my way up to increase my miles! πŸš΄β€β™€οΈπŸŒΏπŸ˜Ž

β€’ in reply toIsabel64

Yes I certainly do and am finding more about where I live than I did before.

I love parks and they are really good places to exercise. Well done as well, bikes are fantastic.πŸ˜ŠπŸŒˆπŸš΄β€β™€οΈ

marvalusxoxo profile image

Wow..how beautiful! I also so much enjoy exercising. Can't do it now tho seems I am starting a flare up. Hope you enjoy some more rides and the beautiful sunshine. Stay safe. 🌷

β€’ in reply tomarvalusxoxo

Thank you, it makes you feel so good doesn't it. I'm sorry you are having a flare up and hope that you are better very soon so you can get back out there. The weather is beautiful here again today.

Stay safe and hope you are better very soon.

Alicia :)

marvalusxoxo profile image
marvalusxoxoβ€’ in reply to

I do pray very soon as well. The weather here is cloudy and very rainy which is still good for my garden which I'm so blessed to have. May you continue to enjoy the outdoors. 😊🌹

β€’ in reply tomarvalusxoxo

I agree it's good for the garden. Those if us that have gardens are fortunate.

Thank you.πŸ™πŸŒˆ

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