Quotation for Monday 11th May 2020 - Positive Wellbein...

Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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Quotation for Monday 11th May 2020

9 Replies

Good morning all,

After the PM's speech last night I was moved to look for quotations on being sensible. There wasn't very much to be found and from the few that were sensible in their own right, only this one seemed to have any resonance with me.

It's from actor Christopher Walken:

"I'm scared of everything. I think it's only sensible to be that way".

To be honest, for now, I think that might be good advice!

Have a good Monday everyone.

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9 Replies
herdysheep profile image

Perhaps that is the definition of 'alert'?

bobbybobb profile image

I think that's very good advice. 👍👍

Sara_2611 profile image

He's a good actor He's been in a James bond film hasn't he

My day has been boring as usual.

in reply to Sara_2611

Yes he's really well known Sara_2611. In fact this is what Wikipedia says about him: 'Christopher Walken is an American actor, singer, comedian, director, producer, screenwriter, and dancer, who has appeared in more than 100 films and television programs, including Annie Hall and The Deer Hunter....'

Welcome to being me: a jew from europe with a permanent- historical -emotional -cultural -being scared is a state of survival existing!

Oh yes, you are right on the mark now. I agree with you 100%.👍

Lynd profile image

Yes. Have to admit to being scared of handling post or shopping.

Just can't relax. X

Hi Lynd, Yes, and everything seems to take so long at home now. Putting away the shopping takes ages as it all has to be wiped down, handling the post is akin to handling radioactive isotopes and then all that handle, knob and switch sanitising. The day's over before I've done anything productive! Our new reality! 😞

Lynd profile image
Lynd in reply to

Well I am getting beyond irritated.

Mum is 87 and over twenty miles away.

I want to drive over and sit in her garden and talk to her. Social distancing, no kisses and cuddles. There is no sense to me in what he has said tonight.

And why does he want very young children to go to school? Good luck there with the distancing.

If my children were young I would not send them back yet.

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