I have managed to get rid of my bipolar at the start of the year but unfortunately with this lockdown that the government has put on is not helping me. I am struggling to cope with my recovery of the bipolar and now this. I am off course trying to stay strong and I would like some support or advice how to get through this rough patch
Would like support: I have managed to... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Would like support
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All i can say is that you come on here for a chat, you might make afriend or two.
Its hard for us all at the minute and we are all supporting each other on here..
Stay safe, let us know how you are...
Scared and of course unsure what is going to happen

We will be here to help you and everyone else.😀👍
Nobody knows what will happen, stay indoors as much as you can and keep your distance when outside..
We are all in this together...
Hi and welcome to the group, Hidden . 😀👍
Thank you for introducing yourself to the group members.
Do you have any hobbies that you can do during the day or evening? I do reading, card games, word games, go online to do email and the HU site. I also video chat with my brother and his family.
I hope you’re having a good day and this helps.😀👍
I try and write but I am dyslexic so writing is not easy.

It’s okay. Do what you can. Relax and take your time.😀👍
I can't relax even though I am trying to

Take a few deep breaths in and out slowly and close your eyes. After you do 5-10 deep breaths in and out, open your eyes. This has helped me a few times, personally.😀👍

Hi Kamilla22 I am a member of this group and these are very trying times. I am a qualified complementary therapist and am qualified in Bach Flower Remedies and Reiki and Reflexology and massage etc. I can suggest you get a bottle of rescue remedy and take it 2 Drops at least 4 times a day especially last thing at night, and or anytime you feel anxious. It's a natural remedy and very subtle but it can really help with anxiety and stress. I am also offering Distance Reiki Healing. You will need to PM me for details, but basically you will need to contact me to make an appointment date and time. There is no charge for this. You can buy the Rescue remedy in Tescos, Sainsburys as well as Health Shops. I wish you well and take care and stay safe. Pam
Resuce remedies doesn't work fo me as I have tried them

Hi there are places you can use it on the body. I can help you with that if you wish. If you want to try that. PM me as often it works better that way for some people
It sent off my bipolar and my GP'S told me that I can not have meds for my bipolar or resuce remedies as they made me worse. So I was not able to take anything to take for it

That's not good is it. You can take the rescue remedy with any medication because it's so subtle it doesn't interfere, in fact most Drs say it has nothing in it too work. But it does and can help, people, animals and plants. If you want to ring me let me know. Pam
It set off my bipolar and the doctors and the mental health team didn't know why I was set off by it but I was. They did their check's and they are not sure why my bipolar was set off. Soon as I was taken off the meds my bipolar calmed down. I no longer have bipolar.

Well that sounds promising. I know that some meds don't suit everyone and can make things worse. We are all different in our body make up aren't we. Pam
They think my meds I am taking for my asthma and it might have inferred with my natural meds and they also think that my asthma meds inferred with my meds for my bipolar. But I am no longer suffering from bipolar I got rid of my bipolar at the start of this year

Well often that can happen one med interferes with another. It can make life very difficult sometimes can't it. Do take care Kamilla and hope all goes well. I'm not going to be contactable for some time as got a lot of healing sessions today. I wish you well Pam

Do you have a therapist or mental health nurse you can contact by phone?
I am not under any mental health care.
It sounds as if you should be, perhaps you could contact your GP. If you are in the UK the Samaritans are always just a phone call away and there are lots of mental health organisations e.g. saneline.
My doctor's discharged me from mental health care as they said I no longer need it.

I hope you take no offense to this. It seems as though you need a new doctor. Mine called me by phone to elevate an office visit during this pandemic.
I needed meds and I have to email them. When I tried to call them they was busy that is all. They was also in the process of moving thier number to a different one

MIND has an online service called "Elefriends", they say is moderated for part of each 24 hours. web address elefriends.org.uk,
I can't access the website
Hi Kamilla. What a shame, this Covid-19 has a lot to answer for in more ways than one. Have you tried meditation? It can help. If you google it there are some guided mediation sites available or there is a You Tube site Yoga Nidra which has some good videos. Hope you get the help you need. xx
I will look into it tomorrow

Hi Kamilla.
Dont worry about your spelling my lovely, you make your post on here, and people will have a good idea of what you are saying, I have understood everyone of your post and responces.
Why not come on here to chat, join the conversation, respond to the posts of other members, we are all here to encourage and support each other through the present situation worldwide!😀🌈
Sorry to hear you're struggling. I find 5 mins sitting in garden and swing what's new you'd be surprised how much you see and not hear after a couple of times you might find you find a inner peace and the quiet helps you think clearer. It might help x
I live in a flat
Hi, first of all, I sorry you have to deal with the lockdown as well now. Don't forget, you are stronger than you think. Have you ever tried goal setting with SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic)? We use that in workshops for people with chronic health conditions. Set yourself a goal, no matter how small. Like "I am going to accept my thoughts and feelings for the next five minutes for just what they are. They are not facts, they are just thoughts and feelings. This is a very useful tool to get you into an upward spiral. You can read about SMART on the NRAS website or other places on the web. Don't forget, the Samaritans are always there for you if you have nobody else to talk to. All the best.
It's not lock down that is bothering me as I already do what the lock down has already informed us to do, it my recovery from bipolar. I am looking for support from here not going back to my GPs because they can not help me
I understand. My advice was meant to help you with your bipolar condition. Give SMART a try, it may be worth it. All the best.
I am not suffering from bipolar. I am recovering from it
Anxiety UK have an excellent helpline 03444 775 774
Best wishes Kevin
How is it possible to recover from bipolar?
I am not sure how I did it I just did it. But the medical team saw that I was showing good progress and I was informed that I no longer had it. Just trying recovering from it as they are worried it might come back with this lockdown down
Hi Kamilla22 I am sorry to learn that you and many many others are struggling during the covid emergency. I agree with activity2004. It's vital that you keep busy.
I m coping with grief and lockdown isolation by setting out a daily timetable and adhering to it mostly.
I've set my self targets for steps/ walking. Exercise aids my good sleep & I aim to cook from scratch at least 1 healthy meal per day,I also practice gratitude by listing 5 good things in my life ( in reality I often struggle to write the list!😊)
I aim to control the controlables, it doesn't all ways work out. I try and think of others that are in an infinitely worse situation than me.
Stay safe.
I am unfortunately insolation due to having asthma. But I have been advised to open my windows and inhale deep breaths of fresh air
Sorry to hear you are struggling
Years ago I used to get panic attacks
I was told to distract my mind if I could
Then - I got colouring books and pencils and spent hours colouring
Now - there are loads of apps on the internet for colouring by numbers which I do
Sometimes it can take me hours to do one picture and sometimes it takes minutes.
There are also colouring apps which you colour using colours you choose
It depends on how stressful things have been as to how long pictures take for me to colour.
It is something worth looking into.
Look after yourself.
Take care and stay safe x
I love writing but I have dyslexia and it's a pain, I can't read numbers to good but I will try your suggestion of colour by number's on my phone
So you must have been misdiagnosed. As I understand it, bipolar is caused by a chemical reaction, usually genetic, within the body/brain and patients have to take meds all their lives.
I wasn't not misdiagnosised I had been checked by 2 GPS and 4 mental health workers and it come back as bipolar. I never took meds as it sent off my bipolar.
You are indeed a rare person. I hope you are not alone in this lockdown. Stay well.
Most people can recover from bipolar and still meds to help with it. I am fully recovered from it after 13 year's fighting it. I have good friend's looking after me as I live a lone.
Feel your pain. Living alone in the middle of nowhere in Spain,total lock down. Health OCD. What a party!🤯😊 My only way to try to cope with this is having a routine: exercising at home, Skyping with friends,reading,meditating...and limiting the time I watch the news. You're not alone! 💪
Actually I am enjoying this lockdown as I was getting preeved with everyone running around me
Hi TRST yes rescue remedy is great so helpful for all sorts of things.
So glad it helped you in your hour of need.
May I ask?
Are you taking any medication? If so, please continue.
When do you see your psychiatrist? Can you talk to him/her?
Do you see a psychotherapist? If you don't this might be helpful. Since the lockdown, there are psychotherapists who may see you via Zoom but only if there is a liaison with your psychiatrist.
In times of stress, we can lose that feeling of being grounded and our anxieties and depression emerge. This is normal & should not be experienced as some kind of failure. Every single person will have some form of stress, worry, anxiety and depression during this crisis.
It's important to try to have a daily routine: getting up at a "normal time" & keeping busy throughout the day - you can use the phone, Internet to make contact with real people, even if you can't see them. Try and do this daily: talk to a real person by phone, WhatsApp, Skype, Zoom, FaceTime etc
I did post: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Emotional Wellbeing: Tips for Healthy Routines and Rhythms During Unpredictable Times here which you may find helpful.
Stay Safe & Be Well!
I can't take meds and I am not under mental health workers as I am now longer suffering from bipolar. I have already explained this

Given what you have written, perhaps it would be helpful to you to describe what is happening to your doctor, over the phone & ask advice.
At such times, it is not unusual for symptoms, such as you describe can re-emerge which is why I would suggest you contact your doctor. It's not that I don't think you are not "strong" but it sounds like you could do with some help and support, more than can be offered here.
You could also contact some of the Help Lines available to you. For example, MIND, which is a charity has a help line. It can't do any harm trying the above.
Stay Safe & Be Well!
I do not need my doctor's as I am not going back on myself regarding my bipolar and they discharged me from mental health team.

I'd like to know how you recovered from Bipolar. I was diagnosed with it over 20 year's ago. I'm reading two book's my psychiatrist recommended. "An Unquiet Mind" and "Nothing Was the Same", author Kay Redford Jamison. I special ordered from the bookstore.
Best wishes, Kimberly
I am not sure how I recovered from bipolar I just did. I was informed that I am recovered from it, that was by 3 psychiatrists and I am honestly not sure how I done it. They don't know how I did it I just recovered from it. I had bipolar since I was 17 until I was 30
Hi Kamilla
It's a very difficult time at the moment and I can imagine you are finding it hard.
Do you have any hobbies? Also,I find deep breathing, meditation and yoga are all good for relaxing the mind and body. Just try and stay inas much as you can ie. shop once a week if you are able and exercise outdoors a little each day if you can.
Take care and we are all here to support each other.
I am in complete insolation due to having asthma. I am dyslexic so writing can be a pain for me
I'm sorry you are in complete isolation, my hubby has asthma as well so I'm doing the once a week shop very carefully.
Do you like jigsaw puzzles, I find them so relaxing and love them. What about knitting/sewing.
I am not in complete insolation I just prefer to be inside
I understand, you feel much safer.
Take care and stay safe.
I don't feel safer. I just prefer my own company
That's good you like your own company
Hi Kammilla If you are no longer bi polar, then you are fully aware that you have taken control of your mental health! So you know that you have control and are capable of the control, you could re assure your self of that fact!! If you get wobbly remind yourself that you have control!! We hear you , and can also remind you if you need us to!! In the meantime take your daily exercise, see your local places ,say hello to people"at a distance" breathe the air ,feel the elements,sun ,wind, rain, and be yourself!! you are the best person that you know,listen to your heart. stay well be happy see you on the other side of corvids attempt to disrupt us all!!
As I have have asthma I am stuck in isolation
Have you someone to do shopping for you and drop it off? Also have you got enough inhalers to see you through the isolation period and someone who can go to the pharmacy for you if you run out? Keep yourself safe this will be over before we know it xx
In that case open a window and listen, breathe, feel ,see, most of all be .You are the centre of you,enjoy yourself,think and create,live in your world and most of all , wash your hands!
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