Are you Coping with Loneliness at thi... - Positive Wellbein...

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Are you Coping with Loneliness at this difficult time?

wiserlady profile image
27 Replies

Living alone in "solitary confinement" or with someone you dont talk to much or dont like much?

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wiserlady profile image
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27 Replies

Alone in a foreign country, lockdown so daughter can't visit, love my dogs but hard as they try they are not great conversationalists. lol

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to

Yes know the feeling. That is one reason why I keep in touch with all of my friends online. Have heard more from them in past week than ever did in a year before.

toma123 profile image
toma123 in reply to

I understand I am alone living abroad and have nobody to talk to. I do go out for walks and try and avoid people which is hard as everyone else seems to have the same idea. I talk to my parents in the UK and send emails to my cousin.

in reply to toma123

I have to drive to somewhere flat to walk which is strictly speaking against the lock down but I have to do this for my healths' sake, I live in the back of beyond so even driving to a local forest I meet no one and definitely not when walking. I get on well with the people in this tiny hamlet of ten houses but we are well spread out so I have no immediate neighbours either. I talk on Skype to my brother in Australia once a week.

toma123 profile image
toma123 in reply to

People are allowed to drive in Nashville and many are still living their lives as though nothing is wrong. People are working on building sites doing things like building houses which at the moment isn't really essential. Many people aren't keeping a distance with strangers. I try to walk around the back streets where there are fewer people. I need some exercise for my mental and physical health.

in reply to toma123

Morning, like me I have to walk to try and keep what is left of my lungs functioning to the best of their ability and of course dogs need to go out too. If by some miracle I am stopped by the police I am sure they will be sympathetic. Here if you are caught out and about with no good reason, must carry a legal paper, freshly signed and dated with the time you came out, (an hour only allowed) the fines are horrendous. Wish people world wide would all stick to the rules then there might be a chance of this thing being slowed to at least manageable proportions, Suppose building sites are ok as mostly outside but strict distancing should also be applied. Here I have seen roofers working. One fella started at one end of the roof and the other started in the middle so they are always working away from each other.

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to toma123

sounds dangerous and sily to me

Roukaya profile image

I have always quite lonely as I cared for my Father. .I am an only child a lonely only chilf

My Mother lives alone as my parents separated hence that’s why I became Dads carer

I have been a introvert but I would always find solace in excursions, swimming and travelling 🧳 and visiting Mum

Now my copies interests are restricted I focus more on my worries and anxiety over Mum

I hope you are well

RoadRunner44 profile image
RoadRunner44 in reply to Roukaya

Where have you been on your excursions Roukaya? You sound as if you enjoy travelling.

Have you enjoyed exploring the lovely places in the UK? What about other countries?

I had family in Venezuela and I visited for over a month many years ago. A beautiful and varied country. Unfortunately they have a dreadful president who has almost broken the country. It makes me so sad to see it deteriorate so much.

Best wishes, Chrys

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to RoadRunner44


I hope you are well

One of my pleasures

Last year I turned fifty and I travelled overseas including Turkey and France

In UK I used to go on days out to Kew Gardens, the Lake District and other places of great natural beauty

My Mother lives in Mauritius and I would visit once a year

I have always been able to cope by observing my faith and travelling

Mauritius is a very beautiful country and I even spent a few months there butin order to find employment you need to have connections and know the right people but as my Mother lives there I always worry for her

How are you

How do you spend your time in Social Isolation as a result of the Lockdown

RoadRunner44 profile image
RoadRunner44 in reply to Roukaya

Hi Roukaya, Good to hear from you. I love nature too! Big or small, I love them all!

Beautiful countryside and landscapes make me feel at peace with the world.

I live alone as my husband died many years ago. But I enjoy company as well as my own company.

When this virus has gone are you planning to travel again?

Mauritius is truly beautiful. When I was about 16 years old I had a pen friend who lived there. He invited me to go there and stay with his family for a holiday. I would have loved to have gone but my parents wouldn't let me go. I was too young and it was too far away.

Having to self isolate has been good for me. I am enjoying doing simple things around the house. Also, things like gardening and going for short walks in the countryside around where I live give me great pleasure. I miss meeting up with friends and members of my different Groups but I'm also finding it very relaxing not having to rush to go to different places. In fact time seems to have stood still.

My only daughter lives in the same village so she ensures I gave everything I need.

I am very grateful for the life I have as there are so many people in the world who are finding life difficult.

I hope the weather stays nice as I want to go for a walk tomorrow to see the Spring lambs and some very friendly horses in a nearby field. Take care and enjoy the good weather while it lasts.


Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to RoadRunner44

Thsnk you for reply

I have always loved travelling

You are very fortunate have your daughter near you

Also it sounds very idyllic where you live

I live in a small flat neat the city so even though the country side is near me I am unable to take scenic walk

I was studying Wills and probate snd I should ideally try again

I hope you keep well

RoadRunner44 profile image
RoadRunner44 in reply to Roukaya

Thanks for replying. I love on line learning. Not to pass exams, just for interest. I have recently enjoyed learning about King Richard 3rd, his remains were found under a dig in a Leicester car park.

I think you would benefit by going back to Wills and Probate. Did you not finish the course last time? Perhaps now would be a good time as you now have lots of time.

Stay well, chrys

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to RoadRunner44

Dear RoadRunner

I hope you are safe and well

It is a Diploma in Wills and Probate and it is on line

Very little support and I have failed it three times and twice marginally

I will try again but I have learnt that I also have slight mental health issues which were exacerbated prior to the loss of my Father

I am aware of theses issues and I try through prayer, talking to my Mother and an Uncle as well as this site to keep in contact

I would often feel very sad even on the eve of my fifthieth birthday I cried because I was not married nor working

Seven months later the world has changed beyond recognition

If God allows me a chance to try again I will try to pass and find a years wotk experience in Wills and Probate

I would appreciate the gift and value of life

I hope you have a safe day

RoadRunner44 profile image
RoadRunner44 in reply to Roukaya

What a lovely response Roukaya, You are looking to try again with your on line course. That is a positive attitude! Give yourself a pat on the back. Are you doing this particular course to enable you to get a job or just to fill your time? You say you have failed it three times. I would be tempted to ask myself ... why am I doing this course? Is it the right one for me? There are so many on line learning courses to join.

Some things are beyond our control but there are other things that we can change.

We are all being challenged during these times and have only ourselves to help us.

You sound as if you maybe depressed my friend. It I have experienced this so have a personal understanding. It was some time after my husband died and events caught up with me. Is it possible for you to ring your GPS surgery ? We cannot see a doctor face to face but you can ask for a doctor to ring you back. You can explain your feelings and that you live alone. Many people are going to feel depressed over the coming weeks so the doctor will be aware of this. Strong mental health is vital to help us over these times. I was given an anti depressant which helped tremendously.

Exercise is another way of giving us that sense of well-being. I have developed a routine where apart from my daily walk I continue to do the simple exercises I did when I recently attended a Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme. It helps physically as well as mentally. There are some included each day on someTV programmes. This Morning is one of them.

It may be useful to write out a simple daily routine to follow. It could be a way to help you focus on doing everyday things which, in turn, will have the effect of giving you some order to your life.

Try to enjoy each day as it comes my friend, join in the fun provided by members on the forum. You won't know how enjoyable it can be until you try.

I siincerely hope that you will start to feel better soon.

Best wishes,


Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to RoadRunner44

Thank you for having the time and patience to answer

I studied law many years ago and I would like to turn my interest in Wills and Probate into a job

I have failed by a very narrow margin but due to inadequate exam technique

I hear that you think I should try something else but this is of personal experience to me

I do suffer from anxiety, depresxion and OCD and I speak to a Psychotherapist who has been kind enough to listen

Will you be going out today

How do you spend your time

Stay Safe

RoadRunner44 profile image
RoadRunner44 in reply to Roukaya

Hello again. Im beginning to get to know you a liitle better now. So you studied law some time ago. I assume this was of particular interest to you then. It sounds as if you are still interested in carrying on and trying to achieve your goal. That's fine! We all need goals in our lives. It is such a shame you failed the final exam by such a small margin. This won't help with your confidence and self esteem and probably is still on your mind. I sense with a little push you could still get the result you want. You have worked out the reason you didnt get a pass was due to inadequate exam technique. The internet is amazing and there , with a little research you will find how to improve your chances in this area. You have time on your hands now so find a way forward to help you achieve your goal. I feel sure you can do it!

As for me, I have done a few exercises before breakfast. I then went out for a walk and collected my newspaper from the local shop in my village. It is quite cold and windy so I don't think I'll be doing anything in the garden. Instead I will finish a few household tasks. Later on, if I feel up to it I may look for a new topic to study on line.

My flower boxes need to be looked at and replanted so maybe I'll think about doing those. There is rush to do everything. Ill see how things go and how I feel.

It is so nice not having to rush to do everything. I will just take each day as it comes and learn to enjoy this much calmer kind of life.

My daughter recently bought me a book......The Inner Life of Animals by Peter Wohlleben. It is quite an amazing book. I have already read one of his earlier books....The Hidden Life Of Trees.. if you love wildlife and woodland I would highly recommend both of them.

Anyway, I'm glad you are under the care of a Psychotherapist, so keep up your spirits.


Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to RoadRunner44

Dear Road Runner

Thank you for your kind reply

You have clearly listened and tried to answer in the best way you can

I will try again and take day by day

I rarely go out given the fear I have of this virus

I will only go out if essential

I hope you manage to complete your household tasks

I have not cooked in ages so I am taking a great interest in cooking and watching what I actually eat

I miss the outdoor life as I live in a flat but If I resume the reading, keep to my prayers and watch what I eat and keep in touch with my Mother and on line here I find it easier to cope

RoadRunner44 profile image
RoadRunner44 in reply to Roukaya

Midori profile image
MidoriVisually impaired in reply to Roukaya

I too am an only child, but, unlike a lot of folk, I am quite happy with my own company. However, this enforced lockdown is grating a bit, I like to get out more than I am doing.

Cheers, Midori

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to Midori

Dear Midori

Thank you for getting in touch

How are you

Being an only child I would always have many distractions but as we are in Lock 🔐 Down it is hard at times to comes to terms with the imposition of the restrictions but It is for opt one good

How do you spend your time

Midori profile image
MidoriVisually impaired in reply to Roukaya

I tend to spend time crocheting, reading, Listening to music, DVDs and on the computer. Unfortunately having recently moved, I don't yet have all my things around me, and it will take some time to build up my stuff and furnishings again.

Cheers, Midori

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to Midori

I hope that you are able to cope and keep yourself occupied

Interesting you say you are accepting of your own company

I am also ok with my own company but the restrictions for our good does cause havoc at times with my own mental health

Stay Safe

I hope in time you will have all of your possessions near you

Midori profile image
MidoriVisually impaired in reply to Roukaya

Thank you, sorry it took so long to get back to you, I couldn't get into my email account!

Cheers, Midori

Struggle with loneliness a lot atm so amalways up for a chat with ppl on here xx

wiserlady profile image
wiserlady in reply to

Hi Florence, I presume you live alonethen?

in reply to wiserlady

No I don't but have a lot going on ATM on top of this virus stuff and people are understanding and supportive on this forum which we don't always get in real life so it's been nice to have people to chat to on here, xx

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