I have had a 'Dis-abled Persons Bus Pass', for some years now, however it needed renewing. I decided to apply for a 'Plus C', which means a Carer can accompany me Free Of Charge. One of my neighbours informed me that these were EXTREEMLY hard, to obtain apparently he had had to have, seemingly endless 'Proof/ Letters' and so on. To this end I asked my Consultant, Dr Andi at Ipswich Hospital, if he could provide a letter, backing my application. By the time I received his letter, and had all the other necessary Paperwork together- including all the copies- it was last Wednesday, before the application was finally sent. It arrived TODAY, with the 'Plus One' and everything!
This just 'goes to prove' that, our Doctors, ARE listened to I just thought that I would pass this on. Best wishes, to you all.