Single mom of two with pnd: I feel so alone I am... - PNI ORG UK


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Single mom of two with pnd

sandraclose profile image
9 Replies

I feel so alone I am a single mom of two girls and staying at my parents as im struggling I have no real friends and don't think ill ever get through this

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sandraclose profile image
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9 Replies
rocky77 profile image


I’m so sorry you’re struggling. It sounds like you’re in a difficult situation. How old are your girls? Could you tell me what types of symptoms you’re struggling with?

I got Pni (post natal illness more commonly known as pnd) after my second child. My mum practically lived with us too as I wasn’t able to care for my children. You’re not alone in feeling this way.

Like you too I could not imagine life where I would feel ok again but I did recover and so will you!

Can I ask what help you’re getting? Have you been to drs? If so what advice and support did they offer you? X

sandraclose profile image
sandraclose in reply to rocky77

thank you for replying I have no motivation am tired all the time and just want to sleep I have home treatment team coming out to me every day and try have started me on venlaflaxine I feel lonely and have no real friends and no partner if it weren't for my parents I don't know where I'd be 😪 xx

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to sandraclose

It’s great you’re getting the support and hopefully the meds will lift you. I think most of us mums with Pni felt the same or in similar way to you - the lack of motivation, feelings of hopelessness etc. It’s a very cruel and horrible illness.

I would take small steps forward . Do you get out the house? Maybe have a goal of a short daily walk around the block of something similar . Getting out of the house and doing a little exercise can lift you.

Believe me a felt like you did and couldn’t imagine recovering but I did. It can be a tough ride with ups and downs but you’ll get there x

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to sandraclose

Hi Sandraclose

I was just wondering how you were doing? X

sandraclose profile image
sandraclose in reply to rocky77

hi thanks for asking this is Sandra close it's my daughter Nicola who has pnd and she staying with us she is not well at all and now not eating and saying she doesn't want to be here anymore this has really had an effect on all of the family and I do not know which way to turn anymore x

rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to sandraclose

Hi Sandra

This must be an incredibly worrying time for you. Im really sorry Nicola is struggling so much.

Do you feel she is in immediate danger of harming herself? If so don’t hesitate in calling for paramedics or going to A&E (btw are you in Uk?) .

I’m not a health care professional but she sounds severely depressed. She mentioned she was taking venlaflaxine . Is she taking them? Do you feel she has worsened since taking them. Stopping taking them suddenly can make mood worsen, as can an initial period of starting meds, or maybe these meds are simply not working g for her. Some women find they have to try different meds before finding something that lifts their mood.

You mentioned she’s not eating. I was like this too. I completely lost my appetite. Perhaps encouraging her to graze might work. Also if she is able even a walk round the block just to get her out of the house can help.

What sort of care is Nicola getting? Is she being visited daily? She mentioned she was previously. This is a horrible cruel illness which affects the whole family. I fell ill 15 yrs ago after my second child was born - it hit me severely but I recovered so have hope.

Are you getting any support? It must be hard for you seeing your daughter so low.

In the U.K. the Samaritans are great to talk to .

Also there is Mind - mental health charity which offers support.

Home start is hugely supportive for struggling parents with kids. I had a volunteer visit me and she was incredibly supportive .

I hope it gives you a few ideas .


rocky77 profile image
rocky77 in reply to sandraclose

Hi there

I was just wondering how the past couple of weeks have been for you x

tealgirl2003 profile image

It is such a crazy ride with pni, but you will eventually have more good days than bad. It took 2 yrs. almost and im just starting to feel myself again.

sandraclose profile image
sandraclose in reply to tealgirl2003

thank you for your reply you give me hope did you have to take medication ? X

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