I had a c-section I’m 7 weeks postpartum after my 6 days I was diagnosed with preeclampsia it has been driving me crazy after 2 weeks my bp was normal 2 days ago I went to the emergency I was felling dizzy foggy and numbness my bp was high again and with these new symptoms it has been horrible every thing keep coming back normal ct scan blood work I feel like I’m not my self again I’m always worried something is going to happen to me I always feel sick no answers I just want to be myself again not having to worry something is wrong with me😔😢
Help: I had a c-section I’m 7 weeks postpartum... - PNI ORG UK
Hi Diana,
Glad you found us. It is really common for Perinatal mental illness to manifest itself in physical symptoms and that can only add to the anxiety and increase it ten fold! Do you think it could be linked to perinatal mental illness? How have you been feeling emotionally?
I personally found that, whilst in hindsight I had postnatal depression from fairly early on, health complications postnatally definitely made it worse!
It's really hard but you have made the first and most difficult step by trying to get help for that and it will get better! We are all testament to that! Xxx
At first I was really scare I though I was going to die after I keep es going in and out of the hospital with no help because everything would come back normal it’s been really fustrating to feel this way but I got to the point this is a every day thing and I’m still here so I stoped worrying a little but then I get panick and anxiety and it’s all over again I just can’t be myself any more I don’t do thing I use to do because I get scare I try to be calm all the time.
CBT is a great tool for changing the way you think and I found it helped me massively with helping to make my thought processes healthier. Have you discussed with the GP the potential for it being linked to perinatal mental health and what support may be available for you in this area? I know it's really hard to try and force yourself to push for things when you feel this way but try and put pressure on the gp to test any potential links to epidurals etc until you have a clean bill of health so that you can rule out anything else. I would certainly push for some CBT therapy and some contact with a psychologist of some sort who specialises in perinatal mental health. Perhaps also discussing your options with the GP around anti depressants which may take the edge off the symptoms if they are PNi related?xx
Congratulations on the arrival of your baby!
I'm sorry you've been plagued with such terrible and debilitating symptoms . I can relate to how you feel both physically and emotionally because I struggled with physical symptoms which triggered horrendous anxiety.
It's really positive the tests have been negative. I'm not a health care practitioner at all so can only pass on my thoughts based on my experience and that of other and seeing your dr is definately the person to see for clinical advice.
Can I ask did you have an epidural or similar for the c section? Was it emergency? The dizziness - does it worsen when you stand up or look down? I ask this as I know of a number of women who have been plagued with dizziness etc after this and there's the possibility of a leak of fluid after epidural . I believe though this is usually immediately post op. But maybe consider asking about this as its always important to rule out physical causes.
Saying all of that I didn't have an epidural and my symptoms were the fogginess, numbness amongst other symptoms triggered by self induced exhaustion in my case . I had other weird symptoms too and all my test results were fine.
Traumatic and difficult births can be a well known trigger for Pni. Anxiety can manifest itself in awful symptoms such as yours which dont shift easily.
Do go back to the Drs for sure. I took antidepressants out of desperation which gave me my life back for sure and most of my symptoms disappeared fairly quickly though they would ebb and flow during recovery. There are pros and cons to meds - happy to discuss my experience if it helps.
Also it might be worth having some kind of talking therapy to discuss your feelings and help you manage the anxiety. That can help hugely especially if your birth experience feels very difficult.
At home you can try lots of techniques to reduce anxiety - breathing exercises, exercise (gentle perhaps like brisk walk so soon after birth) , having a little time for yourself - all these can really help and are good life tools .
Above all don't lose hope! You will recover ! X
Thank you I did have a epidural it was a emergency c-section I was bleeding to much after I gave birth to my baby I had to get blood transfusions the worst was when I came home I was diagnosed with preeclampsia so the high blood pressure started after that’s when I started with the dizziness and the foggy when I’m laying down I could feel dizzy spinning when I’m standing or walking I could see the foggy
And I forgot to mention the headaches the pain in my Arms neck it feels like a burn my legs my arms not even with pain killers it would go away
How are you?
Try a two pronged approach - tackle the anxiety . Whether it was triggered by the birth trauma which was horrific for you or something hormonal directly linked to Pni it's advisable to try and learn to treat l and ultimately recover from it. So as Leanne said cbt , talking therapy and maybe consider antidepressants with your GP.
Secondly maybe with your GP try and get a referral to see someone about the epidural site - maybe blood patch would help or at least rule that out as a cause .
Feeling the way you do is just horrific but you can and will overcome it! X
How are you Disnamartinez? X
I actually been better I’m taking medication for my hp Chlorthalidone 25mg is been keep it normal I’m hoping after a couple of months I can stop taking them if it goes back up after I stop them that means I will be taking meds for life my dizziness numbness every thing seems to be going away I feel better
How are you Diamamartinez?
I been better they took me out the meds to see if my high blood pressure is related from my delivery and it haven’t went back up it’s been a week hope fully it doesn’t go up and I will be off meds it seems with time every thing starts getting better my baby is about to be 3 months and I been ok no more headache no foggy or dizziness no pain I’m very happy one of the best thing that helped me is going to Church prayers were heard in the name of Jesus Amen 🙏🏼