Only into my 3rd week of pills- started on 20mg reduced to 15mg after 4 days as 20mg was making me feel jittery. Currently still taking 15mg - no pains at all and full of energy. Dr does know I have reduced my dose and why.
I have been taking the whole dose first thing in the morning along with my 100mcg of thyroxine (for underactive thyroid)- often feel a bit odd for about 2 hrs after - a bit hyper and jittery - should I split the dose? I can delay my thyroxine until eve - Dr has said the steroids taken late in the day would keep me awake? Can I take some first thing and the rest a couple of hours later - would this stop the jitters? Any advice?
We are lucky to be going to Cuba for 2 weeks in Jan for a holiday - sometime in Havana then to a beach resort - now I am starting to worry about my health/taking the steroids as away from home and it is early days for me! Any reassurance ? Has anyone experienced sickness/diarhorrea when on Steroids - what do you do? (Not that I am usually a sufferer but you never know - especially when abroad) Dr has warned me it is dangerous to suddenly stop - what happens exactly? Is it life threatening?
Finally, have been feeling palpitations some nights when I lie down in bed, and also at times during some days (today at the cinema watching Les Mis. (excellent by the way) I don't think it was the excitement of the film!! Again any advice - I have had them in the past but not for ages - is this steroid induced or is it me just worrying too much?