Thank you so much for all the amazing help and advice you have all given me. 🙂 You are all wonderful!
In my latest GP phone appointment because of the knowledge you all imparted to me I was able to suggest increasing my Prednisolone from 15mg to 20mg. The pain/stiffness had got so bad during the 3rd week on 15mg I couldn't cope.
After 5 days on 20mg the symptoms are back to a manageable level. 🎉 Still of course hoping for the elusive pain free state.
Interestingly the GP said the "indicated dose of Prednisolone for PMR in Primary Care is 15mg." The implication being that if that doesn't work then they usually refer you to a rheumatologist. 😱Goodness knows how long that would take and how you would cope whilst waiting.
Luckily she's a lovely Dr and said if I was happy that we were "deviating from the indication" and since I've not had any side effects yet 🤞 she was happy for me to try 20mg. Phew!
If I hadn't had all the insight from you lovely people I would not have known that 15mg dose seemed too low. So thanks a million.
Still improving so really hoping this dose is high enough.
I have an in person GP appointment in 2 days to review the week on 20mg but obviously will resist any tapering too soon (even if painfree by then).
I am a little worried since we have a 3 week holiday on 14th May so will mention that to the GP. But for the moment I am revelling in the improvement 20mg of Prednisolone has bought meaning I am now at a manageable level of pain/stiffness. 🎉🙂