Since taking steroids find it harder to sleep.
Thought of trying melatonin. Read not advisable to take if you have an auto immune disorder.
Would anppreciate advice on whether Polymyalgia is an auto immune disorder.
Since taking steroids find it harder to sleep.
Thought of trying melatonin. Read not advisable to take if you have an auto immune disorder.
Would anppreciate advice on whether Polymyalgia is an auto immune disorder.
Yes PMR is an autoimmune disease… and this may give you some suggestions to help sleep -
Thank you for your advice. Just realised I have written this second question twice.
Have found in the past diazepam helps but doctors are very reluctant to prescribe this. With sleeping tablets feel giddy when I get up in the night. As I have osteoporosis and already broken one bone loathed to take them.
I would lie in bed for five hours wide awake having gone to sleep in seconds before I got PMR. I listen to the BBC World Service and have learnt about the most amazing things from some of the programmes which are never mentioned normally!! It does get better as you reduce though.
I have had raging insomnia for many years since starting the pred. A couple of years ago a GP said I could get Melatonin on prescription. I used it successfully for a couple of years after checking it with my Rheumatologist. Unfortunately it no longer works and I am using Zolpidem which also seems to have stopped working. I now have an appointment with the sleep clinic at the end of April and am hoping they can help!