I took a chance and reduced to 6.5 mgs.Just had blood work and my reads were in a normal range of esc 10.crp 4.9.Right after I lowered my dose I've been really tired.I am assuming that's normal.So happy about my reads after almost 6 years!!!Gave me hope!!!
Adrenals sputtering?: I took a chance and reduced... - PMRGCAuk
Adrenals sputtering?

Sounds like your adrenals are waking up and they feel grumpy about it!
I'm experiencing the same at the same dose.
Very likely that your adrenal glands need to work a bit and aren’t, yet. 6.5mg is plenty to keep the adrenal axis subdued but you need a puff more Pred or Cortisol to feel ok, so welcome to the stage fatigue. Make friends with patience while you reduce very slowly and don’t over do it. You will soon find the meaning of over doing it in this new territory..
Have just completed 3 weeks at 6mg after a 5 week taper. Keeping my fingers crossed as I flared at 6mg last year through not doing slow taper and doing too much. Get very tired at times also, random bouts of slightly queasy sensations and not forgetting the odd hot flush. Patience is definitely a virtue on this road. Good luck.
Thank you!!Wishing you luck too.Lets hope we keep moving forward.Thank God I have patience cause I know I ll need it💖
That's how I feel at 7.25mg, I relate to the fatigue, queasiness and, for me, night sweats. Like menopause all over again.
Kinda nervous going into this territory but I guess many managed to do it! Wishing you luck that you transition easy💖
Yes, I thought I’d done with the hot flushes with the menopause. Thought I must have made a mistake the first time it happened this time around, but then it happened again and I realised I hadn’t imagined it. Guess we’ve just got to keep chugging along for however long it takes. It helps to know that there are others on the same road. 🙂
I am in a similar position as have been on prednisolone for 6 years. Just over 2 years ago I was doing well and heading from 6.5mg to 6mg but unfortunately I had the bivalent covid vaccine then and flared. In fact it seemed that it reactivated the PMR. From then on I found it difficult to reduce but I am into week 3 of slow taper from 6.5 to 6mg and feeling muscles weakness, hot flushes etc but mainly fatigue. Some days I am fine and sometimes wiped out. However, like yourself, I am grateful that the drop is working.Good to know that there are others in the same position and we will get there in time.
Indeed we will. Being positive and patient is the key, I feel.