(just as a precursor, despite having neither GCA nor PMR, I do have a form of Vasculitis similar to non-cranial GCA - takayasu’s vasculitis, which affects my aorta but no organ involvement so far. I post here rather than in the Vasculitis forums because there’s a lot more information that seems more relevant, it’s busier and I like you all! So knowledgeable!).
So, I have now had my second infusion of cyclophosphamide to try and get the disease under control as well as in my 6th week of prednisolone. Currently at 32.5mg from 60mg then 40 in the first and second weeks which I take first thing in the morning.
Because I don’t have intense symptoms - which is why it apparently got quite bad before I was diagnosed - it’s hard to know what is the right course of action. I do find that this week I’m experiencing a bit of hot flashing around mid day (which I know now is a symptom) and my intermittent arm claudication from the inflamed artery is worse in the early morning but gets much better by the late afternoon.
I guess what I’m not sure of is if the Pred is basically worn off by the morning and if that’s a problem in my recovery. I have no idea when the cyclophosphamide is supposed to improve things.
Interested in any theories! I do plan to speak to my consultant next week of course.