It is very much with a heavy heart that I have to inform you that the planned 1st meeting of this group will have to be postponed for reasons completely out of my control...When I arranged this, and booked the table I was not aware/or told that large renovation works were due......these works have now started and there are two main reasons that will effect us......1_the toilets are stripped out and there are now only porta loos,
2_the resteraunt at the moment has a limited menu and is closed at 3.30 (to enable the works to progress)
I went to the venue yesterday to assess the state of play, I was told the works should be finished on 10th march.....
I therefore feel the meet up would be better postponed until after the renovation is complete
I will continue to assess the situation and come up with a new date as soon as possible
Please can people who were to attend let me know they have received this message....
Sorry again
Hope to see you all soon....