Hi, as requested from my post last week I’m letting you know the outcome.
I had a CRP blood test and Temporal Artery ultrasound scan (done yesterday). Both were thankfully normal. I have been on 40mg for the past week ( up from 4.5 mg) which cured the scalp tenderness in 48 hours (and helped the PMR) but unfortunately the jaw pain on chewing has increased and is now more constant, general and painful. My blurry vision not really improved ( but have now been diagnosed with a moderate cataract). A dental examination and XRay was normal. Still no appetite and have lost 10 lbs in 6 weeks - perhaps unsurprisingly!
My Rheumatologist said it was not worth doing a biopsy in these circumstances and has ruled out GCA. He has told me to now reduce to 5 mg and return in a month.
He has also referred me to a neurologist and prescribed amitriptyline until I see him. Hope it helps the pain and I get a diagnosis. Onwards and upwards…
Thanks for your help and advice. I am of course at least relieved it is not GCA.