Can any one please advise. I Have had PMR for two and a half years and now on 3mg and was coping ok. In October I had the latest Covid jab. That night I coughed continuously and tested positive for Covid in the morning. I must have had Covid before having the vaccine without realising it.
Contacted GP who said this would cause a bad bout and I was very ill with Covid for over a month and still not right, have probably developed long Covid. I have had Covid in the past and it was never as bad as this episode.
In the last 6 weeks the PMR has flared up badly along with the arthritis in the hands.
Any suggestions for help would be appreciated. I understand there is a protocol for increasing steroids to 5mg for 5 days in a flare up and then reducing it to previous dose (3mg). Does anyone know anything about this.
thank you