I've reduced to 6 mg of prednisolone. My brain fog has improved quite a bit, but my symptoms have got worse in that I have have trouble lifting my body off a chair or off my bed in the morning. Can hardly walk, stomach muscles sore, carpal tunnel has come back, and I keep dropping off to sleep. A few days ago I got up a bit too quickly and fainted, falling backwards on the tiled kitchen floor, luckily the kitchen rubbish bin saved me from hurting my head on the floor which is hard stone tiles.I was completely helpless, no way of getting myself up, had to shuffle my bottom across to where the house phone is and grab it with grabber I have hanging over a chair, call a friend who came round and got me on my feet.
Since then I have very sore shoulders and tummy muscles and a dread of it happening again. However it occurred to me that my pains in various parts of my body are similar to the pain I had when I was first diagnosed by my doctor with PMR 9 years ago. Should I go back to 15mg to find out...I'm not happy to relinquish my hard won taper.