UPDATE 30.11.24
I have seen a prescribing nurse (another locum but this time a paramedic) we had a long conversation and we have agreed that I try risondrate (think that’s the correct spelling) 35g once a week. I’m having a filling done next week so will start after that. I’m seeing a doctor on 10 Dec to discuss my DXA scan. The collarbone and shoulder pains have disappeared but I still have a stiff neck.
I have been on alendronic acid for about 10 weeks. I have had side effects slowly getting worse. Mostly painful bones. Last couple of days I have had painful shoulder and can’t turn my neck. Also last night I was sick and today upset stomach. I also get brain fog.
I had a dexa scan and it was suggested I take these. I already take vit d3 daily, lansoprazole, and calcium tabs. I’m going to stop taking alendronic acid to see if these symptoms go away. Has anyone stopped taking them. Are there side effects from stopping.
I’ve been told I have to take for 5 years. I have got a doctors appointment but that’s not til end December. They called me in to discuss results of scan, but I’m on alendronic acid because I had already been called in to discuss results of scan.
Any advice as to what I ask doctor about regarding alternatives would be appreciated . I have a low tolerance of most drugs.