I was diagnosed with PMR late 2019 and up until the beginning of 2023 I followed the excellent advice here and slowly reduced my steroid dose to 4mg daily using DSNS which went very well.
I have a 55 year history of severe low back problems and sciatica also eventually leading to paralysis of my right calf muscle but of later years the symptoms have been quite manageable.
In January 2023 I foolishly moved a heavy telescope, tripod and mount into the garden so my 6 years old granddaughter could see Jupiter. The result was a 9 month long battle with terrible sciatic pain and weakness of my right leg, during this period I decided it wasn't a good idea to try to reduce the pred any further until I felt better so I stayed at 4mg where I have been until now.
In April this year I had another episode of extreme pain and weakness which I put down as more lumbar spine problems and sciatica and manipulation, exercises and other thing haven't really made a dent in it.
Last night I dropped a pill onto the carpet and on bending down I realised how stiff and painful my hips were which is not normally a cardinal symptom of sciatica but had been present for months. This led me to examine more closely my symptoms and I realised that most of my 6 months of pain was centred in both my buttocks, across the hip girdle and down the back of my thighs with weakness in both legs, superimposing the sciatica seemed to muddle the picture. I also improve with movement but if too long then my legs become weaker.
This symptom picture is so closely that of PMR affecting that part of the body ( it wasn't so bad there in my first episode of PMR) that I've decided to increase my pred dose starting last night to 10mg daily divided bed time and morning.
Just picking the brains of you people on here, does this sound plausible or am I barking up the wrong tree. Apologies for the rambling post.