Hi everyone,
This morning I suddenly had a thought about the Alendronic Acid tablet which states it must not be taken with mineral or bottled water!
I'm interested to hear from anyone that was taking it when they travelled? DorsetLady , please can I ask were you taking AA when you went to New Zeland? Please can I ask what did you do?
The Royal Osteoporosis Society says not to worry if you have to use bottled/mineral water for a short time and to just choose the one with lowest calcium (link below). So I guess I need not worry. I presume the tap water will be safe in Australia but we'll definitely be drinking bottled water in Malaysia and Mauritius (but only one AA dose in each).
I don't really understand the difference between mineral, spring and treated bottled water. We've been in some countries in the past where "drinking water" had been sold which had been treated.
Also I think non tap water just makes AA slightly less absorbed so not the end of the world and better to be taking it under those circumstances than not.