We do get a lot of posts asking about whether this supplement or the other will help get off pred or deal with this symptom or that problem. Many are herbal. People think they are "natural" so must be safer than prescribed medications. In fact, the opposite is true. Prescribed medications are subject to a lot of monitoring, controls and regulation. Supplements are not - not even to prove they do what it says on the tin!
If a supplement can do as much as it is sometimes claimed - then it must be having quite an effect on your body and sometimes that can be dangerous - especially if you take more than one thing that has an effect on the same organ like the liver or kidneys. That is partly why we are told not to mix NSAIDs and pred and paracetamol/acetimophen is recommended to us as a painkiller, just to add to the risks I'm highlighting here as it has a powerful effect on the liver.
This is a good article about 6 commonly used supplements that often get a mention on here - and their potential to damage the liver. Add in paracetamol or that glass of wine with dinner and you compound the problem.