Does anyone know if D Mannose is particularly good for UTI or are the cheaper cystitis powders just as effective? Are these things something that you can take over a long period? I am having problems with UTI which seems to be a side effect of Pred or Methotrexate ( not sure which)- and I am on both these medications. I'm trying to avoid antibiotics as the last one played havoc with my digestive system. Currently on 6mg Pred and 10mg Metho and the latter is something I would prefer not to take.
D.Mannose advice.: Does anyone know if D Mannose is... - PMRGCAuk
D.Mannose advice.

I'm using d-mannose at present - it did improve the symptoms a lot but they didn't go until the GP gave me abx. It will depend what is in the cystitis powders - the sodium citrate variety just make the urine less acidic so would improve the symptoms perhaps. D-mannose on the other hand is said to actually flush the bacteria out of the biofilm they are supposed to hide in which protects them from the abx.
This is commonly used here - and seems to have no effect on the gut at all:
One, max 2, doses and it concentrates in the urine overnight.
Antibiotics only 'cure' the current infection, whereas D Mannose attaches to the bacteria (which itself is embedded in the bladder wall ) and flushes it away. I take issue with you comment 'make the urine less acidic and so would improve the symptoms'. To prevent the build up of bacteria in the bladder the urine needs to be MORE acidic. Hence sucking lemons improves the bladder environment, but the downside it takes the enamel off your teeth!
Read what I said again - the "cystitis powders" would possibly change the pH and maybe improve the symptoms. NOT the D-mannose.
I wasn't referring to the cystitis powders, it was the acidity misconception . The reason that UTI's occur is because the urine/bladder environment is too alkaline. Its needs to be acidic to kill off bacteria before they can embed in the bladder wall and cause re accusing problems.
It works well for me if I catch the uti soon enough. I had a real problem with these infections the year before I was diagnosed and finally started using D-mannose and it worked.
D-Mannose is my go-to whenever I get a UTI. Stops it in its tracks straight away, I would recommend providing there are no conflicts with the meds you are taking.
Hi I take D mannose every night to wash out any bacteria. I have also invested in a container of testing strips and as soon as I feel I might be heading for a UTI, I dose with D mannose quite a few times during the day and drink plenty to help flush any infection out. I do think it’s essential to catch any slight infection really early on otherwise I don’t think the D mannose is sufficient. This procedure has more or less kept me UTI free for about 2 years, whereas before I was getting them frequently. I did “catch” one starting up about a year ago but by the time I’d booked a GP appointment it had gone.
Also about 2 years ago I started taking Vit K2 and had reduced my adcal to 1 from 2 and increased my VitD. I don’t know if this has had a favourable effect too. This is because too much Calcium can affect the unitary tract and K2 ensures the calcium goes into the bones rather than elsewhere.
As an add on I do also try to “ double vent” when passing urine pushing out any residual urine that may cause an infection, especially at night.
Could it be thrush? About 2 months ago, I thought I had what felt like cystitis and was using sodium citrate OTC which seemed to help. But after 4 attacks I contacted my GP who prescribed abx. Well, that gave me thrush in mouth and vag which is proving very difficult to shift. I think it might actually have been thrush all along raher than cystitis and the abx made it worse. Steroids also cause thrush in some people. I've had several courses of nystavin and Canesten which clears the problem up but then it comes back a few days later. My GP says the thrush must have gone after all those treatments and has told me to take Vit C tablets and do a salt-wash mouth rinse lots of time (rinse and spit). This does seem to be working.
This is interesting as I had thrush three months ago after antibiotics. - in both vag and digestive system. Medication cleared it up. The current bladder problem gives me no pain on passing urine, no backache or pain anywhere - just urgency and a dragging feeling. Awaiting test result for UTI. No pharmacy where we live has even heard of D.Mannose, so I'd have to get it online but hard to know which. I'll keep the Vit C and salt washes in mind, thank you.
I have the same symptoms, and a constant burning pain, no discharge or anything. From what I've googled, thrush can last months and is very difficult to get rid of. I've got a swab test booked at GP in a week (6 week wait for appoointment with nurse). Vit C and salt wash seem to be helping but the pain comes and goes.
I have used bi-carbonate of soda, immediately I feel the UTI warning signs, a teaspoonful in as little water as possible and repeat after 4 hours. Used it for years.
And yet.... theskyisblue's comment- above- suggests the environment needs to be acidic. Doesn't bicarb neutralise acid??? Clearly works for you but doesn't make sense to me. I think I too now have thrush after a course of antibiotics 😖