Good morning, sorry for the long post.
Has anyone else been in the same situation / can advise of their story.
I had bloods taken in April my Esr was 41, Crp 12 (slightly raised). These were repeated 2 weeks later they were more or less the same.
Mid June I had bloods taken again Esr was 12, Crp 2.2 (normal). I have been suffering with symptoms of PMR since Feb, saw a rheumatologist earlier this week they advised to have X-rays and scans. They also suggested its unlikely PMR due to bloods initially showing slight inflammation and these now being normal. She said if bloods had always been normal then It could be PMR but because they were raised and now normal PMR is not the case? Has anyone else been in this situation.
I’m 50 years old and was advised I must have had an infection or something that triggered inflammation which is now resolved in blood work, and the pain/stiffness should settle- but to have x rays/ scans and be reviewed again when these results are back.
Thanks for reading.