Hello good people. I was diagnosed in Feb, 2018 with GCA and am happy to report that I'm in remission. Last month I had arterial scans done and they came back-much to my delight- with no signs on active inflammation or aneurisms. There was, however, what they term an incidental finding by the name FMD ( Fibromuscular-dysplasia ) attacking carotid arteries on both sides of my neck. The cardiovascular specialist and rheumatologist said FMD is not related to GCA, nor is it inflammatory in nature. None the less, I've learned over the years that medical care doesn't always have the full picture of the situation on the ground where we live. I'm wondering if anyone else has gone on to FMD ?
Still going to be monitored for beading (aneurysms).
I'm still on 3 mg of prednisone and hesitant to reduce any further because I don't feel up for the fight just now.
Thanks to all who respond.