Good morning, I have been on 5mg of Pred for quite some time and have begun the Dorsetlady taper, however I am getting pain in my groin’s on waking every morning which wears off after a while, My last CPR and ESR tests were within range according to my GP who also told me off when I told her that I took 10mg on occasion when I felt a flare coming. My head is telling me that I should up my Pred but I’m wondering if it might not be PMR related. I am looking for some guidance please.
Groin pain: Good morning, I have been on 5mg of... - PMRGCAuk
Groin pain



Bursitis affecting the iliopsoas bursa can happen in PMR - it was a clear feature of mine at the start.
shows suitable stretches - even with variations NOT involving lying on the floor!
And PS - be more economical with the actualitee! What the ear don't hear, the heart won't grieve over.
Could quite easily be not be due to a situation needing Pred. My first stop would be getting someone like a very good physio or osteopath or musculoskeletal specialist to see if you have a ligament or muscle issue. I’ve had various pelvic issues over the years that have been nothing to do with PMR or inflammatory condition that have been crippling but sorted out with the correct targeted approach.
As for taking Pred for flares coming on, it’s a question of degree I would have thought. How often does this happen? What are your signals that this is the case?
Have you tried a simple pillow between the knees when lying on your side to see if that helps after a week or so?
It could be your hip. I had bad groin pains before my hip replacement.
Thank you Piglette. Apparently my rheumatologist mentioned a hip replacement when he was looking at my past X-rays. I didn’t realise groin pains were part of it.
Groin pain seems to be the main source of pain, well it was for me. I am so relieved that it has now gone, I still think about it!!
Good morning,I too have awful groin pain.Told by osteopath and physio to expect it on my left side because of back issues but no reason for the left!Am currently on 7 mg of pred,waiting to start TCZ.Have neck and shoulder pain but like you am wondering if it is just general pain due to my age and gardening etc.It is such a minefield this GCA/PMR,it does make one question every ache and pain in the areas we are told to “look out for”.At least we can get sound advice on this great forum.Good luck to you.x
I found my osteoarthritis pain came to the fore once I was down to single figure doses of Pred… and sometimes it is difficult to know what is GCA/PMR pains versus others. Some are obvious [my OA for example] but some are not…
The problem is, as you say, we are told to watch out for certain things, and it’s all too easy to blame the obvious underlying issue. That’s why we often recommend trying an alternative pain therapy to see if that helps… if it does, it’s probably not PMR/GCA, if it doesn’t, it probably is!
As I’ve said before many times, if you only have [cranial] GCA , it’s easier to distinguish between the two.
Absolutely,but have PMR as well.Genle exercises ,if able ,but no relief from mine by doing this.Pretty sure in my case in spite of what “Bone men” say,back issues surely would radiate to both groins etc?x
Not necessarily - all my pain is concentrated on the right side and the left rarely hurts. And yes - PMR finds bits anyone who hasn't done anatomy may not know exist!!
Yep,wrist,tingly scalp( feel like I have head lice sometimes!toes,fingertips,nearly all joints.Certainly is the gift that keeps on giving.😱🤔!x
Sounds how my PMR presented - I had scalp pain and jaw claudication for a few months but never recognised then what it could mean and it disappeared long before I saw a rheumatologist. But if ALL joints are hurting, it would call a PMR diagnosis into question, it really isn't a joint problem. My wrists and hands and feet were sore, my shoulders were stiff, couldn't raise my arms above shoulder height, but I couldn't say it was the joints themselves.
Hi PMR pro,guess you are right about not really affecting joints.Have O/A in fingers,neck,back etc so probably most of symptoms are connected to this.Feel bad that I have jumped onto some poor souls post to air my problems!Because like Dorset lady I had GCA with sight loss,then 2 flares since I am always on my guard but the new aches and pains are not quite the same as the flares.Best I blame it all on the wet bad weather of Suffolk!But would be great if the groin pain would leave me alone for a while!😱x
Don't worry about that - this is what happens on this forum, it is like a coffee group where someone finally clicks and asks a question or makes a comment. DL and I will always see it and if we think it would help to post it separately we'll say.
I had the excruciating groin pain, there if I was in the wrong position in bed and particularly bad on standing until I started to move when it did ease a bit. It disappeared after about 3 or 4 months on pred - I really had wondered if, in my early 50s, I needed a hip replacement! Nearly 20 years after it first started there is absolutely NO sign of OA in that hip. The pain returns now and again, the stretches usually relieve it. Most likely due to piriformis syndrome.
Hi, I started to experience groin pain left side about 6 weeks ago. I thought it could be a hernia, saw GP, she suggests it could be Avascular Necrosis. I've had x-ray, triage with physiotherapist and now waiting for a appointment with Orthopedic consultant.Apparently AVN is side effect of Prednisolone.
Sorry Dorset lady,what I meant by “I have PMR as well,is that I have found I have a lot more symptoms with this than the GCA which manifested itself with the jaw,head,neck pain and severe groin pain.This PMR gives me aches and pains in areas I would not have thought possible!😜😂x
bad groin pain was part of my issues at diagnosis…& has continued! For me, it’s just part of it! But I do have trochanteric bursitis (hip) so could have problems with other bursa (bursae?)
Glad it is not just me then!Never goes away does it?Sitting to standing position,SHOCKING,bedtime,flat on back,high deep pillow under knees ,some relief!Isnt it LOVELY to have a good old moan to people who understand!xx😜😂😂😂
Yes! But sleeping on my back makes me snore…so badly I wake myself up!!! But it’s been the one constant for 4 years, & I don’t think mine is all PMR, as I’ve tapered to 2mg & don’t have other PMR pain…well, I don’t think so! I have sciatica, too, & other medical issues. I do have the pillow that goes between knees & sleep on side, but not sure it does much good. I have a lot of osteoarthritis, so…! Plus my last hip x-Ray said my muscles are growing into bones in that area. Novelty factor, I thought! Anyway ni got a bit fedup so I’ve dyed my hair golden auburn, which prob means orange so must go wash the dye off now! S x
Do hope you haven’t got orange hair to add to your problems?😱😂😂😂?Just SO many aspects to all of this isn’t there?I do get a bit paranoid about all the aches etc but after reading the wise words posted here,I try and pull myself together and get into a better logical state of mind.The groin pain is just debilitating at times but no doubt you are the same ,we just try and carry on.Husband just gets used to the groans when I stand up or bend over.!!This time 2and a half years ago,I could take on the world and work until I dropped.Now everything is planned like a military manoeuvre!Let’s hope some day we get the relief from this groin thing eh?Hope your hair looks pretty?🧑🏻🦰
Nah…just thought it a fun thing to do, & takes less energy than the gardening I should be doing! I had a job travelling all round Europe, working over 60 hours a week…but it had to go. I took early retirement but was lucky to have a great pension, phew! Hubby says hair looks fun…& will be more like the photo on the box when it ‘cools down a little’! Told him I’m preparing for Flaming June!! I have had fibromyalgia for over 12 years, & since PMR came to join in the fun 4 years ago, I now have osteoarthritis, Essential Tremor, hypertension, orthostatic hypotension, hypermobility, possibly Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, sciatica, trochanteric bursitis, oh, anyway there’s 12 of them, too boring to remember them all! Keep smiling! S x
Wow!Whats your middle name-LUCKY!!!😱You poor thing,you make me feel positively healthy!Do take care of yourself.No gardening for me today,thunderstorms here in Suffolk,so did ironing instead.Chin up girl!⛈️🧑🏻🦰😜xx