I’d been suffering with what I thought was a severe PMR flare for weeks and weeks (very stiff leg muscles and sharp cramps especially in the thighs).
I was of 5mg Prednisolone daily and was hoping as with past incidents it would settle down and things would return to normal. It didn’t so I eventually arranged a tele call with my GP. I proffered to him that I felt it might be best to reset back to day 1 following an initial diagnosis of PMR. In other words go back up to 15mg Prednisolone get the inflammation under control and taper back down. He agreed to this I think because I wanted to try it but arranged before starting the new dose a blood test to baseline things.
The blood test was done on 30 April and I upped to 15mg the next day. At this point I was expecting almost instant relief but it didn’t happen and as we stand today 14 May the symptoms are just as bad if not worse than before the dose was increased.
The blood results from the 30 April have now come through showing CRP 4 mg/L and ESR 2 mm/h. Am I right in thinking that these results show no significant inflammation markers? If that is indeed the case and combined with the fact that the increased Prednisolone has had no restorative affect whatsoever then something unexpected is going on? I’m wondering perhaps Statin Induced Myalgia as I’ve been on 80mg Atorvastatin for years or even Prednisolone itself. Has anyone else had a similar experience? I have another GP call booked for 21 May.