After taking my pred at 2:30 am for about 12 days with good results, I awoke this morning with a bad feeling in my stomach. I took famatodine, and that helped some. But tonight it’s bothering me again, and I can’t take another famatodine until morning. I’m going to wait until morning to take my pred, and I know I’ll probably be in pain. I know some have said they take theirs with a spoon of yogurt. Any suggestions for what I could eat to keep from irritating my stomach?
Stomach problems : After taking my pred at 2:30 am... - PMRGCAuk
Stomach problems

Hi there, I take mine around 02:00 ish with some yogurt and often a banana, assuming I've remembered to buy them! and have never had a problem tummy wise.
Hi sorry to hear you are having problems. I take mine with about three bites of banana, not all of it as it is high carbohydrate. Save the rest in a box in the fridge if need to.

Banana, cheese, yogurt, a small sandwich with jam or the like - none of them need to be in the fridge so saves getting up.
About 4 teaspoons of thick Greek yoghurt or kefir for me, Aqua47.

Anything really - plain biscuit or cracker, small slice of bread, or as said spoonful of yogurt.
Have you thought of taking enteric-coated tablets? Ask your doctor if they will prescribe them for you..
I have a hard boiled egg and have had no problems.
I use Actimol drink and have my prednisone at 2.45 am and never had any issues.
What is the brand of Actimol that you use? I don’t want to take anything that has carbs in it. Does the Actimol have any other benefits?
The brand is Actimel and as far as I know is purely a yogurt drink with added prebiotic for gut health. Its dairy so would presume no cards.
Dairy is not carb-free. Milk and milk products all contain lactose, the natural milk sugar. You don't escape by buying lactose-free though - it is just processed to make a different sugar,
One mini bottle of Actimel contains 3.2g of carbs, 3.0g as sugar. It is just a fancy yoghurt - but yoghurt is good for your gut so always a good choice providing it is natural with no added sugar as found in flavoured products which have all sorts of added extras. It doesn't matter that dairy has sugars in it - provided you add them all up as contributors if you are aiming to eat low carb. But that applies to ALL food, all fruit and veg have some carbs, some more than others.
You can find the nutritional values for all such foods somewhere on the pack - and if all else fails, on the internet!