I have been looking at the delightful picture of the Italian honey bee with pollen on its legs. What I am puzzled about is on the right. I cannot make out what it is hovering over. Can someone enlighten me? Years ago my father used to keep bees and I used to watch him and also help put the honey in jars when we extracted it from the honeycomb.
The honey bee: I have been looking at the... - PMRGCAuk
The honey bee

Was this meant to be a reply to chat or the Facebook page re gardening? No picture of bees on here…
i was looking at it this morning too - I took a screen shot of it to look at closely later. It would be hovering over a pollen source? a flower? or about to go into the hive?
Apologies to all others wondering what the heck this is about in a PMRGCA post - but a bit of lighthearted interest, the honey bee image is on the Health Unlocked page, I think where I posted something to PMRGCA this morning.
You could have attached screenshot, then we would have known what you were talking about 😊
I see that now. But the image is on my computer desk top, just need to post it to myself and download it to my iPad.
the image doesn't want to be sent - ??? I uploaded it to our PMRGCA page, gave it a short description as requested but when I press SEND nothing happens. So Sorry -
HU can be a bit fussy about attaching things..you probably gavecyovsavevinnogots first..if you can be bothered..
I've been in the garden last couple of hours so have seen one in real life..🤣🐝..