As I understand it, raw and fermented foods such as raw milk, raw honey, yogurt, and kefir are supposed to be a no-no, while we are taking immuno-suppressive drugs, such as prednisone, methotrexate, etc, .... has anyone of you suffered any illness or infections as a result of consuming these delicious and healthy foods? I realize the yogurt and kefir are usually pasturized and the good bactria is added afterwards, but the raw milk and raw honey have all its goodness intact.
raw and fermented foods: As I understand it, raw... - PMRGCAuk
raw and fermented foods

I had never heard that, do you have more information? Quite a lot of us go for things like kefir, also a yogurt each morning with our pred dose.
Me also. I was doing some reading various articles online where it said those with suppressed immunity or the elderly should not eat raw honey, kefir, yogurt or drink raw milk, and it did not sound right to me, except perhaps for the raw milk for which I have my own opinion.
If the raw milk is from a reliable source then I'm all for it. I was just wondering if anyone had had any problems with these foods.... I've never heard of anyone having problems. I never have.
I have PMR/GCA flaring again, last time was on pred for almost 18 months. I checked, for hours all the info on anti inflammatory foods and I lived on yogurt, (only dairy I had), fermented foods, fish, no red meat, but also no chicken, low sugar fruits, certain veggies. I am going to eat this flare away!
Everyone has to do what they believe will help with good info, this community helped me tremendously-also curious as to where you received that info. Interesting. Good luck!!!
There was something in the press today saying that we need 30g of carbs a day, and cutting out carbs can cause early death! I think the research was originally in the Lancet. Probably next week we will be told that carbs are bad!
I don’t think anyone here is saying don’t take any carbs. To avoid carbs altogether would take quite some doing I would have thought. There are carbohydrates in fruit and veg, especially root veg and things like peas and squashes. I’d imagine a full no carbs would give you constipation, bad breath and a sense of humour depletion.
I have been making and consuming kefir for the last 4-5 years and have added fermented veges (amongst other things) to my diet since PMR diagnosis. Going ok so far!
Oooh pleeeeassssee tell me how to make the vegetables!!!
Google 'kimchi' Linda. I have made it, but then struggled to eat my way through it! Sauerkraut is also fermented, but the kind you buy in jars has been pasteurised, so not 'live'.
Hope today is going well. x
I am new to this site (loving the support and advice) and learning something everyday, just hope my brain can retain the information! I just had to google kefir as never heard of it, I see it’s goats milk & yogurt, is this something good to help with PMR? I am really trying to understand what are the best things to eat and what to avoid. Any advice greatly received.
Avoiding carbs, especially white and processed ones, should help you avoid some of the pred associated weight gain and pred-induced diabetes. Not a keto diet but definitely reduced carb and especially sugar which is very pro-inflammatory.
Everyone is different and different people find different things make them feel worse - you just have to experiment a bit.
Thank you.
I tend to eat brown rice and pasta anyway, and if I have bread it’s brown whole meal, is this still ok? I have reduced my portion sizes. I have cut down on sugar (biscuits, cakes & choclate) since reading posts on here. Also no longer have fat free yogurts due to the sugar content and having full fat natural or Greek yogurt adding my own fruit. Would kefir yogurt be even better? Appreciate all advice
There isn't really a "better" or "worse". Again, everyone is different and how much carb you can eat and not gain weight varies from person to person. I'm a Greek yog (5% fat and no flavouring) person when I do eat it and I use it in cooking too. For example, I make low carb cauliflower cheese using a yog and an egg beaten into it for the cheese sauce. I use that to make the topping for mousakka as well using aubergine/egg plant and a meat sauce. I don't like kefir particularly and it isn't easy to find here where I live so I don't use it but Skyr is useful. OTOH I eat almost no rice or pasta - the very occasional risotto but the portions here are small anyway and it has to be something special to tempt me.
I have kefir every morning on my porridge with mixed berries, it’s delicious. You can buy it in either Morrisons or Sainsburys here in the UK. Started it 6 months ago with no ill-effects and found I don’t need the Omeprazole the doctor wanted me to take to protect stomach lining. You can also get flavoured kefir but haven’t tried that yet.
I’m too scared to eat anything raw or fermented but I am ridiculous xxxx
Crikey - I have yoghurt every day!!!! Never heard of this.

I have eaten cheese I imagine - some of our alm cheeses are made with raw milk. And in the past I drank raw milk, collected from the can in the cowshed on the farm where we lived.
However - it must be made clear that products that are made with raw milk must be labelled as such in Europe and pretty much anything you buy in a supermarket will have been pasteurised. I think the likelihood anyone has unpasteurised kefir is minimal.
I'm sorry - but I think the benefits of raw milk are grossly over-egged (if you'll excuse the term).
When I was a kid and it came round to Tuberculosis testing and vaccination in the 70’s I didn’t need the vaccine because my test came up positive. It was put down to messing about with cows and drinking raw milk.
My TB response was always mega - and was used, like OH's, for experiments as a model for inflammation. OH has had TB it appears from his CT - we drank raw milk when we lived in Germany and went to the US base to church and mixed with a lot of squaddies. Which might it have been? We'll never know... I also drank raw milk at home as a child - still warm. Yum...
I think a sensible diet with a wide variety of foodstuffs so that you get all your vitamins and minerals is probably best. Be very careful about info on the internet about food trends, people have their motives for pushing trends (often financial). We are lucky in our 1st world countries to have choice, probably to much choice. I think most of us on pred become closely tuned to our bodies and really we know what suites us. I know red wine makes my muscle pain worse, but I still have a couple of glasses at the weekend!!!! can't be perfect.
P.S. I have yogurt most mornings. If I crave something sweet a small bowl of yogurt with a teaspoon of honey does the trick and it is probably better than cake.
Totally agree about a balanced diet. People like Gwynneth Paltrow can be positively dangerous in my opinion!
I really think that people like her are dangerous, and how does it make people feel if they can't afford all those fancy foods. I do think it is important to drink enough water every day and I do forget. I know I feel better when I drink a bit more water and that is free, because we are fortunate to have good drinking water in the UK.
I have drinking bottles around the house. I am not sure how good the water is round here as I can smell a chlorine smell when I run a tap. It is cheap though better than lashing out on Evian. Also we have very hard water so hopefully helping my bone density.
Yes I am in a very hard water area, ruins kettles and irons but is supposed to be very good for us. In a previous job I went on a course about safe water and learned that once bottled water is opened bacteria start to breed so it should be drunk fairly quickly. I am a big fan of tap water, even if it sometimes smells of chlorine We are also trying to reduce our plastic waste.
Thanks for all the replies. You just confirmed what I thought about fermented foods and raw honey. Not all we read from "experts" is correct. Wish I could find the article I read, went through my browser history but could not find it. Common sense and experience dictate what to do.
I have made and consumed my own kefir, kombucha and fermented vegetables throughout my PMR and experienced nothing but good. Keep it up.
My son has Crohns & ferments vegetables, makes kefir, kombucha & bone broth. His consultant is amazed he has been able to keep off the drugs for some years. He is very dedicated, has more discipline than his mother, but if he goes off track for a few days he may not feel well. Then tends to fast & get back to eating those good foods. It works for him.
I wouldn't consume raw milk no matter what. Don't understand the problem with the other things. Fermenting is a way of preserving foods and if prepared properly shouldn't be a problem. The only one I've heard might be questionable is kombucha which apparently can get contaminated.
Just to say I've never had any problems with the items you list whilst on predisolone.