I am so sorry to be needing advice again, but I am wondering if anyone else has struggled to wean from higher doses of Prednisone for PMR and GCA.
Since late January I have been on dosages of 65mg. and weaned down to 45mg. by early April. Since then I can't seem to get below 45mg. as I have a return of scalp tenderness, throbbing headaches, ear pain, and occasional temp of 100 when I drop to 40 mg. Incidentally the elevated temp is always just on the left temporal area, never the right temporal area. I also occasionally note pitosis, and often a fuzzy-headed feeling and also tinnitus and several times jaw pain. These symptoms are present intermittently most days of the week, with some days much less noticeable. On those days I enjoy walking and simple hiking. My vision is a bit blurry, so I am having my eyes rechecked in two weeks. An earlier eye check revealed a good blood supply to my optic nerve. My headaches have never been excruciating, nor severe, like some folks describe. Tylenol usually doesn't help.
I continue with light exercise, eating a low inflammatory diet, and in general do not feel stressed. I try not to worry about these high doses of Prednisone for so many weeks. Is this just a time for needing more patience? Or might there be something else going on?
I have had three Actemra infusions, with the fourth today. My sed rate and CRP levels are normal today. They were elevated in February. My rheumatologist, as of today, is referring me to an arthritis clinic in a neighboring city for another opinion.
And next week the neurologist has scheduled an EMG. My CK is normal. I wondered why I need the EMG. The neurologist said autoimmune disorders tend to show up sometimes in groups, so she wants to check things out.
I am sure hoping my body is just being stubbornly resistant with a crazed immune system and that I just need more time to heal. I don't want another diagnosis. I was active and healthy until just a few months ago and am missing my old life.
This forum has meant so much to me, as I don't know a single soul with PMR and GCA. However all of your experiences, compassion, knowledge, and humor keep me hopeful.
(btw, I did not have a temporal bx. The diagnosis was made on the basis of symptoms and wanting to preserve my eyesight).