Hi my fellow PMR suffers, has anyone had a cortisone shot while taking Pred, and was everything after, a little apprehensive xx
Steroid shot.: Hi my fellow PMR suffers, has anyone... - PMRGCAuk
Steroid shot.

Yes, several times in my back. A fair few in here have had them. Hope they help you.

Loads of us - I have had a couple for sacroiliac pain but others have had them for finger joints, knees and shoulders. When they work well the result is wonderful!!! They can be a bit painful while the injection is being done but usually they have lignocaine in them which is a local anaesthetic so the pain soon goes. The pain MAY return after a few hours for a time but painkillers usually sort that. And occasionally they don;t work but it is always worth the try.
What are you apprehensive about?

Not a problem… apart from maybe a little painful…. But do rest joint for a day or two.
I had one for a trigger finger and another for painful shoulder. GP said it takes 2 days to work. However, with me it took 2 weeks, then blessed relief. No problems at all.
I’ve had 2 in spine for disc compression. No side effects, no problems except they didn’t help and in fact 2nd one aggravated condition. Was told that can happen. On prednisolone then and now. Hundred years ago , pre PMR lifetime , had one in elbow and one in shoulder - they didn’t work either. So must be me! But know of folks where it has helped. So just relax and you’ll be ok. Best wishes
Yes, lots of them…3 just last week. Very easy, just not sure why people get so concerned & wary about them, tbh. I had both feet done & one hip, & will have the other hip done soon, I think. Just relax…I think perhaps that’s the key. There as another post on the subject recently, these injections must have got a bad press somewhere, but don’t deserve it. It’s just as quick as other injections…
I had one in my hand. went great. didnt work for 2 weeks then voila! no problem with the per
I think the thought of a needle going into an actual joint is rather ouchy, but actually, I would say it hurt less than a vaccination.
I had one a few weeks ago in my hip and waiting to schedule one in the SI joint. It was easy. Doctor assured me it stayed locally and would not interfere with my prednisone routine. It helped in the decision on what is causing the back/hip pain…some relief, but now realizing that the real discomfort is from the SI area so well worth having it! Don’t worry….it’s a helpful procedure.
I had one recently in my right, very painful, thumb. It did take a couple of days to be effective but since then I have been pain and stiffness free. No idea how long it will last but I'll take it !