Hi everyone,
I will try to keep this brief but also hope I give sufficient information. I am feeling pretty despondent about where I am going though I know the steroids are valuable and my only option to make life manageable.
I developed PMR symptoms in March/April 2022 and was given the diagnosis in May by a rheumatologist who I saw privately. I started on 15mg Prednisolone and gradually came down through pain free months. Unfortunately, in November when I got down to 8.5 mg the pain returned and after trying to do a couple of small increases, which didn’t work, my reheumatologist told me to go back up to 15mg and then come down again. Unfortunately, he didn’t give much guidance, didn’t have my notes for that and a subsequent appointment and asked me when he had diagnosed me! For the final appointment I took my daughter who is a nurse and she agreed that it would be better to find another consultant as he didn’t seem to have much knowledge of or interest in PMR.
At the start of 2023, I started to take my pred at 2.00am. I found I was waking at this time anyway and as I was not making good progress, I swapped the time from after breakfast. It did seem to help, thoughI don’t know if I should try to change this in any way. Since that time, although the pain and stiffness has been significantly reduced, I do find I get very stiff after sitting and during the night there is stiffness and some mild pain. I read that people are pain free and friends also say they are but I struggle to achieve complete and permanent pain free success! I don’t know why. I don’t, however, reduce unless things have improved.
In July last year I eventually got to see a lovely NHS rheumatologist. The appointment was so different from my previous ones, both in terms of checking me out and the information he gave me. Sadly he was from another trust called in to cut the backlog in my area so I am not sure if I could get to see him again. He also said he has a long waiting list.
On his advice, I started to reduce again, but more slowly going down .5 every three weeks but at various points I had to increase again. I got to 8.5mg last week and had the biggest flare for a very long time. I tried going back to 9mg but the pain was so great, I returned to 10mg. This made a difference and although not great, I can now function!
I would be really grateful for any advice, I am clutching at every straw! I take Curcumin, BioAcidophillus, am having an anti inflammatory diet and am even trying cryotherapy, though I have only had one session as the machine is now broken! It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.
Up until recently I have been fairly fit for a 72 year old but I can feel the muscles dwindling! I do try to listen to my body and not over do it. Recently I have needed to rest in the afternoons, not like me at all!
My questions are
After upping a dose of Prednisolone to combat a flare, how long should one wait to see if the increase is sufficient before going higher? Do I need to keep going up till I am pain/stiffness free? Will that actually happen?
Having done what I did and gone back to 10mg, or wherever I end up, should I wait three weeks again before reducing or can it be a bit quicker?
Is 3 weeks usually sufficient time on .5 mg before reducing?
Has anyone else experienced arm/shoulder pain with reduced function/ movement like frozen shoulder?
Does raising the steroid just mask an issue like frozen shoulder or have no effect?
If the shoulder pain is Pmr and not frozen shoulder, would paracetamol help the pain? It does seem to a bit.