I had an operation for breast cancer (Mastectomy with reconstruction) in mid December. Thankfully I don’t need any more treatment other than anti oestrogen tablets. I have been told by my surgeon that Anastrozole can give the same side effects as PMR so has delayed the start of these tablets as I was having a flare of PMR. Has anybody else been in this position? Any advice gratefully received. 😊
PMR AND ANASTROZOLE: I had an operation for breast... - PMRGCAuk

Well good for them for even thinking about that. Not everyone gets that side effect. I did after a couple of weeks but that was years ago. The question is once the flare subsides, to what will they attribute any aches and if you get them from either PMR or Anastrozole? What’s the plan?
I am not able to contribute to your question but I just wanted to share my good wishes for your great outcome and continued good health.
Thank you 🙏 I am slightly worried it will come back but I guess that’s a natural reaction and trying to focus recovery and getting on with life now !
That big question never quite leaves most people I think. With time it did seem to fade but I’ve had to deploy my mental checklist many many times when I get some symptom or other. I ask myself questions, have I had this before? Did it go away? What made it go away? Is this really different to the last time? Is there any real and present evidence this could be bad? That kind of thing.

Cannot help on medicine side, but just wanted to send best wishes. 🌸

Can't really help but want to say all the best.
Like Snazzy and you, I think it comes down to how they will view aches in the future IF you are unlucky and develop them due to the drug. So they have thought about it at this level - what about the future? After all, you have a flare now, how will they decide whether it is PMR or drug since all sorts of things cause a flare.
I started taking Anastrolzol after my breast cancer treatment in March 22. I have been taking Pred since my PMR diagnosis in November 21. Not knowing what may be causing the aches has made me very cautious in my tapering. Now down to 5mg but anxious to go any lower and have been putting it off for the last few months.