Hi. Could a firm handed massage cause a flare? Thanks for any input. S.
Massage: Hi. Could a firm handed massage cause a... - PMRGCAuk

Others have said so…

A deep or therapeutic massage that targets knots of hardened fibres in the large muscles can release the IL-6 cytokine - that is what causes the knots and they are part of myofascial pain syndrome. While the IL-6 is trapped in the muscle fibres it just causes localised pain/discomfort. If a therapist mobilises the knot it releases the IL-6 into the system and you can feel as if it is a flare of the PMR. Once that is out of your system you should feel better - gentle exercise and drinking plenty of water helps. If the knots have been fully moblised, there is no more IL-6 to be released so the aches don't return. In the case of PMR, the IL-6 is being released into the body by the autoimmune disorder on a daily basis and the PMR symptoms continue without pred.
Massage is good - but you have to expect the apparent flare and know how to deal with it or it makes you feel worse not better!
I only had GCA but once that was ongoing and I was on Pred, a decent massage caused too much pain afterwards. I would feel a bit ill all over with pain in various muscles. I can imagine it would feel like a flare. It passed after a few days but no more massages. I had Bowen or Reflexology instead.
I have an osteopath who says she is much more gentle with people who have PMR.
Yes, my Osteopath, who has been keeping me going for nearly 20 years, does gentler treatments on me since PMR struck. I found that I was in so much pain after a normal session, although the problem was fixed. He has learned a 'nudging' technique rather than the usual twisting and clicking and that works. He usually does 10 minutes under the heat lamp and acupuncture first (he qualified a few years ago) which relaxes everything before the nudging. It works for me, as does the acupuncture for specific aches and pains. I love it.
l had to stop having Facials which included a Neck, Shoulder & Arm Massage as it caused a lot of pain.
They didn’t seem to grasp that a gentle rub on my arms & shoulders would be soothing & comforting……..
It has with me - no question about it.