Update of last post...all now settled thank you.Regarding omeprazole...spoke to GP this morning for steroid script, and asked if I still needed to take omeprazole on such a low dose of pred. He asked if I had ever had indigestion or stomach ulcers in the past...no. He was willing to try me on half my dose...ie drop to 10mg. Had not heard of any research regarding connection btwn omeprazole and altzheimers...but wanted me free of steroids..I want to be too...but letting me organise my own slow taper. Any thoughts welcome. Thank you in advance.
Omeprazole ...side effects...: Update of last post... - PMRGCAuk
Omeprazole ...side effects...

Advice on what -taper?
See you are already using one of the slower tapers and reducing by tiny amounts -so if that’s working, continue you are. Why change? Especially as GP is letting you do your own thing… and not aggressively pushing you to reduce.
You can only get off Pred when your PMR allows -much as he or you may want it to be quicker.
Good that he’s happy about halving Omeprazole dose -hope that works for you.
Good luck

It is somewhat disputed as discussed here:
But the study was observational - notoriously unreliable. I'm surprised the GP hasn't heard about the waves of concern - shows what a sheltered life some live!
I agree with DL about your steroid taper - you are doing what you can. Do they really believe we WANT to be on them?
Thank you PMRpro. Perhapshe will research it? As reply to DL...he is allowing me to taper preds as I feel right, but I was wondering how to taper omepraxole, or just drop. Thanks for the article link and information in its source.
Has he halved the omeprazole dose? That is where you start, for a few weeks, Then if that is OK you can drop the odd dose - like the pred tapers - until the days without get closer and closer and meet up.
Don't just drop - you risk rebound production of acid.