I posted a similar issue not so long ago as a sort of 3am phenomenon. Lately it has got worse and I thought maybe I was tapering pred too quickly ( down to 6/7 mg.)
So have taken 10 mg for 2 days and am ok in the day but am now up at5.30 am having experienced first quite severe cramp in my lower left leg and after that this intense ache again all the way from my buttock to my foot.
Is it linked to my PMR which I have had for nearly 2 years, or is it something else? For the most part I am ok in the day - a bit of stiffness if I sit too long, but not this intense ache.
I have just taken some paracetamol with the hope that with that and moving about a bit now I am up, will allow me a bit more sleep later,
. Any ideas lovely people?
Also is paracetamol or NSAI ( ibuprofen) better or do I need to whack up the steroids?
Thank you in anticipation. This forum is so helpful.