I am once again at my wits end. Sharpe pains in my head on the right side near the temple.
I had this a few weeks back and upped my dose to 20 mg of prednisone. I am now down to 9 mg. I have the Actemra injections once a month. I cannot help but feel there is something else going on in my head, not just possible GCA. I have asked for a PET scan by my Rhumy but he does not see the need. A year ago my GP ordered a MRI do to ear pain and hearing a heart beat in my head.
What also happened that makes me think it is something else, twice I was sitting watching TV snd I had a very strange sensation and felt I was going to pass out.
Would GCA make you feel like this? I hate to go up on the prednisone, I feel in a constant fog being on this high dose.
I see my GP on Monday, I pray she will order a Pet scan. I feel like I am just waiting for something bad to happen. So to keep going back to my head pain…. I don’t know what else I can do. Thank you so much for listening.