I am going a bit off piste but hopefully someone on this forum might be able to help. I have had GCA for around about 7 years which is under control with 2mg a day of coated prednisolone. Recently I have had a flare of arthritis in my knees. Phoned GP he prescribed Naproxen 50mg along with Pantaprazole 20mg twice a day. I became worried that because this was so sudden and debilitating I would go to A&E. Had xray and it showed inflammation. Spoke to doctor in A&E she advised not to take Naproxen because I am taking Prednisolone and it could cause stomach bleed and to use Voltarol which really is having very little effect. I presume Naproxen would be more effective for inflammation. I would be grateful is anyone has any thoughts on this. It gets so confusing.
Another Quandary: I am going a bit off piste but... - PMRGCAuk
Another Quandary

I would be tempted to treat this as a flare and increase my Pred by 5 mgs for a week or so and then drop back down to 2 mgs.

He gave you pantoprazole to protect your stomach and 2mg pred is a very low dose of pred. If you also take the Naproxen with food you should be OK in the short term. I am using ibuprofen at present and have no problems at 5mg pred.
As SJ suggest though, a short increase in the pred may also work well - try it. Topical NSAIDs are also a risk if you need to use a lot and they don't usually achieve a lot.
Thanks for taking an interest. In retrospect the doctor I saw in A&E was very young and obviously a junior who perhaps was being over cautious. I will take the Naproxen with pantoprozole and see how I get on. I did feel for the doctor who said she had been working from 12noonand will finish at 12am and whilst I was there (3hours) she saw patient after patient after patient.
It's just so ridiculous. My full support for their quest.
Sorry, I'm a bit confused.....your post was under ipsidipsy, but your responses are under a different username???