I had covid in April so I was sent to specialist to have breathing tests.Now I had another lung x ray and got a call from my family dr for a dye x ray.Could the prednisone caused lung damage?Scared to death now.
Lung x ray scare: I had covid in April so I was... - PMRGCAuk
Lung x ray scare

Unlikely to be the pred - but Covid can do all sorts of things, Lung damage was one of the early discoveries.
Easy for me to say - but no point worrying until they say they have found something. But it is good they are looking.
Keep in mind that tests are often done as much to rule something out as to try and find something wrong (if that makes sense). They may be able to see something that they are not sure about and want a better look at it. I was in a similar situation a few weeks ago after a routine mammogram that showed a tiny spot in my breast, but they wanted a better look to be sure and it was just a natural variation in density of the breast tissue, as they expected. More than likely, it is a similar situation for you and they just want to be sure that it is not something that needs further follow up. I know it is hard not to allow your imagination run away with itself, I managed to stay calm until they showed me the spot they were checking and then all rationalisation went out of the window. If you can, try to put it to one side of your mind and not dwell on it. Do you have a date for the repeat x-rays yet? Best wishes and hope that it all goes smoothly for you. x
I go to my specialist tomorrow.Then I ll know what the x ray showed.I thought it was very cruel for my go to call on Friday to say I needed a dye x-ray.All she did was have me frightened all weekend.I ll let you know how I make out.Thank you for your response.
Wishing you the best possible outcome from your tests. They know so much more about COVID’s impact now. Let us know how you get on! 🍀
Hi there, I think it's unlikely to be the Pred, but as PMRpro has said Covid is a more likely culprit. Easy to say, harder to put into practice but try not to worry tests are used to rule things out as well as in and the chances are all will be OK. I've been through two major scares this year for heart and cancer worries. The cancer scare disappeared altogether and the heart scare enabled me to put things in place to monitor what might or might not be a problem. Hope all goes well, keep us informed and remember there is always someone here if you need/want to chat.
Thank you for your response.Its more difficult too because we have to deal with pmg.Everytime I taper I get stressed.This could happen to others too!