Has anyone had cellulitis? I have had it for just over a week and have just completed a 7 day course of Flucloxacillin. I did not see a doctor - just had to post a photo of my leg, so haven't had the opportunity of discussing it with him. From the web it sounds quite serious, but don't like taking too much notice of it without advice from someone who knows about it.
CELLULITIS: Has anyone had cellulitis? I have had... - PMRGCAuk

This claims to be all you need to know!
Well done you for getting advice quickly - it is serious when it is left and not treated but early abx usually do the trick.
It is still very painful and have taken another photo to send to the doctor for his comments. I maybe need to take another course of abx to clear it up.
Is it still hot and angry?
Not so hot as it was but I keep getting shooting pains in it. I have sent another photo to my doctor so am now waiting for his comments.
I had cellulitis in 2019 after I fell and gashed open my left leg, needing a double row of stitches. It took ages to heal and I had several courses of antibiotics. I was told after it finally did heal that I should have stopped taking methotrexate while it was healing!
After my experience I would say get someone to look at it. Five years ago I was feeling cold and unwell and as I was typing an email my hands shook so much I couldn’t do it,my back was icy. My GP said come in 7pm tonight I’ll check you out. Had to get a taxi which I had difficulty getting out of. GP said your heart is racing ,your temperature is sky high and look you have cellulitis on your leg. He phoned A&E,gave me a letter and sent me off to A&E telling my wife that they would keep me in. I had sepsis,five days on intravenous antibiotics. When I got home I found some notes that I had been making as I had been up and down in the night taking my temp . I had no memory of it.
My GP saved me.It was a Friday night and I would have gone to bed thinking I had flu. The cellulitis came back a year later I got onto it quickly this time.
Cellulitis can also recur after having it once, so be aware of that if you start feeling 'off' or have a slight temperature. I have 3 friends who are prone to it now, one where it went up her face to her eyes which became an emergency and she was put on iv antibiotics
Some (haha) doctors will give you antibiotics so you have them ready. The point is to get it as early as possible so give you a better chance of a quick recovery.
It sounds like you need further meds. Good luck
You need to go to the Emergency Room ASAP. I had it and almost died from it. I was in intensive care in the hospital for 2 weeks. I had to have 3 different antibiotics intravenously.
It is serious and not uncommon yet my first attack was misdiagnosed as DVT, got out of control and needed heavy IV antibiotics. Now very wary!
I am on day 5 of the same antibiotics for cellulitis. Like you, I was diagnosed with a photograph plus my symptoms. I did ask to see a doctor but it didn’t happen.
My symptoms haven’t completely cleared yet. So I will be contacting the surgery again. This time I will insist on being seen. Like you, I suspect I will need to continue with antibiotics for a few more days.
I’m presuming that long term steroid use makes the skin more fragile and therefore prone to this condition?
Also our immune system is not wonderful which doesn’t help.
Hope you get it cleared soon. It’s something else for us to be concerned about 😳
You are possibly correct about long term steroids - but steroids together with antibiotics was found to speed up recovery.
Were you told what to watch out for if it didn't clear well?
I was told just to monitor it and go back to them if it’s not healed.
I’m on a maintenance dose of 5mgs pred. Rheumatologist went with that rather than cortisone.
Was diagnosed with PMR 11 years ago.
It’s more my Adrenals haven’t woken up yet than PMR as such. Although I do have an occasional flare.
I’m hoping they will continue with antibiotics for another week, but I will insist that my leg is seen properly.
My leg still has not healed properly. I think the anti biotics are keeping it under control but not curing it. My doctor said that if it had not cleared with the last lot he would see me tomorrow. How kind! Sorry about the sarcasm but they act as if they are doing you a favour! I also think the infection has got into the bone as my shin is extremely sensitive. If he dallies about tomorrow I will go to A & E.
I hope you get the right treatment.
I will contact my surgery tomorrow and see what the next step is.
The antibiotics have made a big improvement, but like yourself, it’s not cleared it totally.
Have a good day 😊
All good advice here. It nearly killed me when 23yrs old. Misdiagnosed by DR as phlebitis. Had it for several months until it went critical. Sister drove me to A&E St Albans. It looked like WW3 in there but as soon as nurse saw me she ushered me ahead of everyone with war wounds and immediately injected me with a thick white goo, penecillin I think then onto 3000mg Magnapen for months. Senior consultant told me then that it wasn't curable but they could hit it with antibiotics. Ended my football career hopes. He told me I couldn't risk any more kicks to the leg or it may ulcerate and affect the bone. It's like a hot/cold fever and comes on almost instantly. Very nasty so get it seen to immediately. Had it recently and course of antibiotics sorted it. Good luck.