Hi all,
my rheumy suggested I took methotrexate as i've not been able to get lower than 3 mg on pred for quite some years now. They are freaking out saying I have to get off the steroids. Nobody wants off them more than me - they seem to forget that!
Anyway, I reluctantly agreed to try it and after 6 weeks I found myself struggling with terrible black moods and just crying everyday unable to pull myself out of a black hole. My life is tough and I've had an awful lot to deal with the last 3 years and yes I get low sometimes but not like that. I told them that I couldn't function with methotrexate if that was what it was going to do to me. They said leave it off for 3 weeks and I gradually felt much better. Started it again on Friday last and here I am again - unbelievable low and it's horrid to feel this depressed and dark. I'd just like to know if anyone else has had this same experience with methotrexate as I'm tempted to forget it and just do my own thing. I'm so sick and tired of nhs rheumys and their awful drugs. I'd rather manage it myself and find alternative ways to keep trying to get lower on the steroids. I'm back down to 3.5 mg and so far so good. I'll stay here a while now before attempting a slow taper for the next 0.5mg - I'm ever hopeful!
Any thoughts?