I was prescribed MTX a year ago, about 18months into my PMR journey, I reluctantly followed my Rheumatologist’s instructions and in October reported back to him with details of nausea, 3 days a week of pain, inertia and depression and a prednisone journey of 1mg reduction per month. I asked if I could stop the MTX and was told no, I could have more folic acid and injections, I refused the injections, it seemed like bullying for non compliance, he said he would make an appointment for 4 months when he expected me to be on 3mg from the 10mgs I was on!
The side effects continued, I contacted the nurse to say I wanted to discontinue and she said I could reduce the pred by half every 2 weeks and I must continue the MTX if I wanted to get better!
I have had no more contact from the Rheumatologist, have stopped MTX, am on 5mg after 2 1/2 years reducing by half a month, am able to walk every day, loving the hot weather and am no longer spiralling down into depression. MTX did not suit me and as I was not listened to I took matters into my own hands!