I have posted before asking if anyone had suffered from shakiness while on pred and some lovely people replied but in my mums case it seems to be getting worse and im wondering if it is pred or something else.My 85 year old mum started her pred journey 3 months ago on 60mg after losing her sight in her right eye and being diagnosed with GCA. She has been coping really well with all medication she has since been put on and had become so much more mobile which was great. We have worked with our gp and on rheumatologist advice we are now reducing from 30mg to 20mg. I would have preferred to go to 25 first but rheumy was insistent and my mum and dad want to follow her advice as they trust her and up till now my mum had tolerated drops from 60 for 6 weeks to 40 for 2 then 30 (which i stayed on for 4 weeks rather than the 2 suggested as i was going on holiday and doctor didnt want to drop while i was away )and now we are dropping to 20. After this they slow down to 17.5 then 15 etc.
Ive read all advice on here about slower tapering and will try and discuss these again with both gp and rheumy as we continue dropping the dosage down as last thing i want is a flare.
My mum has always been a bit shaky in morn after taking her tabs but this settled down as day went on but last couple of weeks it seems to have gotten worse. At times she can hardly hold a cup and when she is getting dressed her right leg shakes terribly as she tries to lift it to put her trousers on.
She has also started to get cramp in her legs and hand/arm occasionally which is really painful. These things along with fact she has now gotten really puffy around her face/neck in particular are really getting her down especially as she had been doing so good. The shakiness is worse some days rhan others and
Both her and my dad just seem to have gotten it into their heads that quicker she comes down of steroids these symptoms will all stop and while he may be right im trying to explain that mum needs to be on pred because of GCA as there is no other treatment and it could be for a long time to come.
Has anyone else had these side effects starting after being on pred for few months or could it be any of other meds she has been put on along with pred?
I have call with our gp and will try to get app to see him next week with mum as i think my mum and dad always seem better if doctor tells them something and not just me as "im not a doctor" which is true and i would also like his clarification that what im saying is correct. I will also try to call rheumy for her advice as its been couple months since we last saw her.
Apologies for long post but i appreciate all advice given on here from people in same situation as my mum and reading your stories makes me feel better when.i worry that im doing the wrong thing as im not a doctor just a daughter trying to do the best for her mum.
Thank you.