I’ve just had my third letter from the NHS inviting me to book a Covid vaccination - which I’d happily do, but at 72 (nearly 73) years old I’m under 75, and I’m pretty sure my pred dosage is too low. This time last year I was nearly turned away on 3mg. The website says ‘your doctor will have told you if you have a weakened immune system’ - they haven’t, but I’ve hardly spoken to anyone about my condition since I changed doctor after moving house a year ago, and it would take me weeks to get an appointment. Any thoughts? Thank you as always for your advice.
Am I immunosuppressed on 2mg pred?: I’ve just had... - PMRGCAuk
Am I immunosuppressed on 2mg pred?

It isn't just the dose - it is the history. But then you have to find a person at the vaccination centre who agrees your history means a jab is justified. You can but try and see what happens!
Hmmm … pretty much as I thought. Thank you
I was on 5.5mg when I had my invitation so went along. They didn’t ask for proof just did it and a separate queue to the 75 and overs. Out before most of those in the other queue. The injector said why was i immunosuppressed and I said PMT and prednisolone. Nothing else
Thanks. When I went this time last year they seemed to know about the condition and asked me what dose I was on. I had to argue my case: on the basis that I wasn't far off 75, and I had been on pred for nearly 2 years. As I'm hearing about people with side effects, I'm beginning to wonder whether if I'm borderline I'd sooner take my chances without ...
Me - 72 years old, 4 years on pred and currently on 1mg. Had an email, text and letter invite but they refused me as their guidelines said I had to be 20mg or over ! I guess the best thing would be to go to the vaccination centre you would use and ask.
I keep getting notifications via the NHS app inviting me to get an appointment. But when I click the link, the nearest vaccination centre is 10 miles away. My GP surgery has a recorded message when you phone them saying that they will soon be offering covid jabs, so I think I'll wait...
I had my covid vaccination a few weeks ago. I'm 65 and taking 6mg of prednisolone. I went to a local pharmacy. When I offered to show them my medication record I was told they didn't need to see it as they already had all the information they needed. If you feel vulnerable then book an appointment. I possibly didn't need it but as far as I'm aware I have not contracted covid and I don't know how poorly I would be if I did, so I felt it would be best to have it.
I’m 71 and had the jab this week. One of the GPs approved but still the ‘jabber’ queried it. 1mg of pred didn’t cut the mustard although I’ve been on the medication for nearly 4 years. Side effects minimal, just a slightly sore arm. Good luck!
I am 66 & was refused the jab on the grounds that I was on 4mg at the time. The guy showed me & read parts of the Govt ‘instructions’ & it was quite clear. However, I have other medical conditions (8 of them) one is concerning my lungs, & I received the jab as a result of that. I don’t think I am immunocompromised, in fact my doctor told me I wasn’t when I was under 10mg. It depends if you want it or not, I think now, rather than whether the medical departments of the government think you should have it!! Some people were ‘in the system’ as immunocompromised & their records have not been changed, I believe, so they still get letters offering the jab. As usual, it’s a postcode lottery, an unclear & unfair situation..lin Engkand, anyway!!
I'm 66 and takingv3.5mg Pred daily and was refused vaccination last time I tried in 2022. I ignore repeated invitations now.
Hi, i am on 2 mg and 66. I booked an appt for a jab online and later got another invitation. I just mentioned that i was on steroids to the guy doing the jab and he did not ask about the dose.
I’m on 2mg and have just had mine at 64, I just told them I had been on steroids for 18 months.
After recently getting a notification from the NHS to book a booster I happened to be seeing my GP the same day. I asked her opinion. She said that the NHS records are out of date and people are being called in based on records from earlier in the Pandemic. She checked on line and said that I needed to be on 20mg Pred to be eligible currently. I know that if I went to a walk in centre they would do it!
I am 80+ and went to the pharmacist in London who is my nearest this morning, and she advised me not to have the vaccine as I am still on 10.5 mg. pred. for 10 months. She said that the Sanofi trial on elders was nearly over and she never knew which of the other vaccines would be delivered each day. She advised me to get this advice added to my surgery records so that I am not down as a "refuser". The surgery won't be too bothered because they are not collecting any money this time, like they do for other NHS initiatives apparently.
Thank you everyone as always for your helpful and supportive responses
I was invited and was taking only 0.5. I am under 75 too 😊
definitely have your booster you can book it online it’s simple to do and you’ll have a choice of where you’d like to have it done. There is still a lot of Covid about!