I picked up my Rx on May 2, 2023 and just yesteday the pharmacy called to see if I needed a refill. I fessed up and told her I had not started taking it because I've been in too much pain over the last month with diverticulitis, pelvic girdle and back spasms to risk more pain (as it's known to cause leg and muscle pain). I just cannot tolerate more pain right now. (PMR is "under control" with 27 mg. of Pred and tapering). Has anyone felt this way?
Anyway, last night I took the first one. Needlesstosay, I feel like shite this morning. Stomach cramps and fatigue. Unsure if it's the Rosuvastatin. What's with the "Calcium"? I certainly don't want to pump more calcium into my body and I'm so tired of so many pills. My gawd. I could live on pills in the wilderness I'm sure. Is there not some kind of shot they can give you rather than a pill? I have great anxiety over taking new meds because of an overdose given at the hospital many years ago and the trauma of that has stuck with me. It was a "sit there looking at the pill for 1/2 hour" before I could actually take it....but I did.